Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2131: Immortal furnace shines forever

Immortal furnace shines forever.

The incomparably huge eternal immortal furnace contained the entire Treading Emperor Realm.

The dazzling fairy light shining thousands of miles of chaos.

Step inside the emperor world.

Qin Yi held the phantom of the eternal immortal furnace in his hand, standing under the sky.

In the eyes of countless creatures, Qin Yi was still as small as dust compared to the mysterious supreme who filled the world.

Compared with the mysterious supreme, the breath of a body is many times different!

But just like this, Qin Yi stood there, but still gave people a feeling of fighting against the mysterious supreme.

Do not.

To be precise, Qin Yi's breath overwhelmed the mysterious supreme.


Qin Yi held the phantom of the eternal immortal furnace in one hand, like a fairy holding the immortal furnace.

As the eyes flowed, like a fairy light across the sky, it was filled with the eternal Taoist rhyme, inspiring the laws of the heavens.


With one exhale and one inhalation, countless laws between heaven and earth echoed it.

Accompanied by his breathing, he can set off a frenzy in the sky and the mighty spiritual smoke and dust!

Qin Yi's power at this moment has skyrocketed more than ten million times!

"With the power of refining the soul demon stone, it can actually mobilize nearly one percent of the power of the eternal immortal furnace.

This soul-refining demon stone is indeed transformed by the heavenly origin of a vast world! "

Qin Yi's eyes were dark and uncertain, and his thoughts flowed.

The reason why this eternal immortal furnace can explode with such power is because he uses most of the origin of the soul refining demon stone to urge the eternal immortal furnace.

The soul-refining demon stone is transformed by the heavenly origin of a world, and contains incomparably powerful power, far superior to ordinary emperors.

However, even if Qin Yi repeatedly overestimated, he did not expect that he still underestimated the power contained in the Soul Refining Demon Stone.

He poured most of the power in the Soul Refining Demon Stone into the Eternal Immortal Furnace, fully motivating the eternal Immortal Furnace's power close to one percent!

The horror of this force far exceeded Qin Yi's expectations.

"An imperial high-end war weapon has completely awakened, comparable to the supreme emperor's sevenfold.

One percent of its power can also suppress the supreme under the seventh layer of most emperors, and can sweep the invincible in all realms! "

Qin Yi looked down at the phantom of the eternal immortal furnace in his hand, and couldn't help but admire.

An emperor's seven-fold supreme, jumping out of the shackles of the long river of time, dominating his own lifespan, can last forever.

Such an existence is called a giant of the heavens, and it is also at the pinnacle level among the heavens and all realms!

An emperor's seven-fold supreme status in the central realm is also extremely noble, second only to Xuxian Tianzun.

Even if it is only one percent of its power, it can be seen everywhere!

The eternal immortal furnace with such power can erupt, and one furnace can accommodate the emperor world, only in Qin Yi's thought.


Qin Yi's eyes flowed, falling on the big hand of Mysterious Supreme patted him.


Mysterious Supreme's right hand trembled and burst open suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, the huge figure that filled the world was also shocked, and collapsed suddenly in a loud noise that could not be described in words.

"No, no, what's the matter?"

Mysterious Supreme's expression changed drastically, and his mouth kept roaring.

He frantically mobilized his own power, wanted to maintain his own state of law, and wanted to counter Qin Yi's power.

However, he sadly discovered that an invisible force fell on his Dhamma, tearing his Dhamma little by little.

Even if he mobilizes his own source world, he cannot maintain his own Dharma state.

The huge dharma image collapsed little by little and turned into heaven and earth aura.


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