Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2134: Distressed emperor

Step inside the emperor world.

Qin Yi bathed in layers of fairy light, and endless laws lingered around him.

With the blessing of the eternal immortal furnace, every move can shake the heavens and the universe, with the mighty power of dominating the sky.

Everyone in front of the Emperor Mountain, looking at Qin Yi at the moment, their faces were stiff, and they were extremely accepting of this amazing fact!

"I'll drop a mother, how is this possible? Was the prince in the early days going against the sky?"

The King of Black Armor was almost mad, muttering to himself.

Other **** sons and quasi emperors in the eastern border, such as Fairy Mu Ling and Wang Zhantian, looked bitter and could not believe it.

This time the Dilu Trial was a twists and turns!

First, the prince from the beginning made a blockbuster, won the Emperor Cheng's Secret, and stunned everyone.

Then, the Great Emperor Zhenhai took action. Everyone thought that the Prince of the Beginning would be suppressed by the Great Emperor Zhenhai, and as a result an Emperor of Arrow Road emerged.

Kill the Emperor Zhenhai with one arrow!

Then, the ten emperors joined forces, and they all lost their hands.

Then, a mysterious supreme of the emperor appeared again, showing incomparable power, defeating the emperor of arrow road.

At this time, everyone thought that everything had ended.

Never thought that this prince from the beginning has transformed from a quasi-emperor into a nine-day real dragon, directly above Qingming!

Suppress the mysterious supreme!

This is truly invincible!

"The Emperor!"

Luo Houji dropped his proud head and offered his loyalty to Qin Yi.

"Master Qingtian, are you going to lose too?"

At this time, all the emperors couldn't sit still.

Before, they obeyed the order of the mysterious supreme and shot Qin Yi, and they themselves forged an enmity with Qin Yi.

If this adult was defeated, wouldn't they have to face Qin Yi directly?

How can this be good?

"Chu Er..."

Huanggu Great Emperor seemed to think of something at this moment, and looked at his disciple with a pleasing expression.

Not only the Huanggu Great Emperor, but even the other emperors couldn't help but look at the Huanggu God Child, and hesitate to speak.

"Master, Your Majesty..."

The ancient **** child looked at the many emperors and sighed in his heart.

He naturally knew why these emperors would please him?

It's not because, in the eyes of many emperors, he and Qin Yi should have a good relationship. It's not because he wants him to intercede for many emperors.


The ancient **** son looked at Qin Yi bathed in fairy light, his mouth full of bitterness.

Before that, he still had the idea of ​​catching up with Qin Yi.

And at this moment, where does he have any hope of catching up with Qin Yi, even if he becomes an emperor?

Can he kill the emperor with one arrow?


Can he make many emperors fearful?


Can He overwhelm this mysterious supreme?


Perhaps, it is difficult for him in this life to be able to reach this level, right?

Thinking of this, Huang Gu's expression couldn't help but feel lonely.

And at the moment.

"You can't use the power of the emperor's high-level war weapon, you must have used the power of foreign objects..."

Mysterious Supreme quickly recovered his composure and said calmly.

To some extent, Qin Yi really relied on external forces to use one percent of the power of the Eternal Immortal Furnace.

Soul refining demon stone is also considered a foreign object.

"What about foreign objects, it's enough to suppress you!"

Qin Yi did not deny it.

"Well, it's time to suppress you and settle the previous accounts. It's time for me to leave this place."

A touch of flesh pain flashed in Qin Yi's eyes.

There will be gains and losses!

Although he can explode a tenth of the power of the eternal immortal furnace, the consumption is also very huge.

In a short while, most of the power of the Soul Refining Demon Stone was consumed.

He feels distressed.

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