Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2150: When I leave the customs, I will become the emperor

The grievances of stepping on the emperor world.

The grudge with that mysterious supreme.

All these things require Qin Yi to consider long-term.

Whether it is the Dilu Temple Spirit in the Emperor Realm or the mysterious supreme, the cultivation base is extremely powerful.

If Qin Yi wants to set foot on the entire emperor world, he needs more powerful strength!

The supreme of the two emperors in the four realms is not the existence that Qin Yi can provoke now, even if there are Luohou Jidu and Eternal Immortal Furnace.

Qin Yi was struggling to deal with Mysterious Supreme alone.

If the Dilu Temple Spirit also took the shot, he had no other choice but to let Yang Jian take the shot!

Moreover, even if relying on Yang Jian to suppress the Emperor Treading Realm, if Yang Jian leaves, the Emperor Treading Realm will not be out of his control.

This is not the result Qin Yi wanted, and would not do it.

After all, it still depends on one's own strength.

In order to suppress the stepped emperor world, Qin Yi needs to improve his own strength.

"In this retreat, this clone must first break through to the emperor."

Qin Yi meditated on the "Secret of Chengdi" in his hand, silently thinking.

Regardless, it is easier for the deity to break through the quasi-emperor extreme realm.

Still, it is the best choice to enhance the clone's strength and break through the emperor.

Generally speaking, when the cultivation level reaches the realm of Qin Yi, it takes countless resources to go one step closer.

The physical body has broken through the level of the quasi-emperor realm, and cultivated into an indestructible golden body, comparable to most practitioners in the extreme physical realm.

This is powerful, and the resources needed to break through are even more!

Divine Soul, with the help of this deity’s breakthrough, stepped into the Quasi-Emperor Realm, and even completed the Refining of Divine Star, which can briefly contend the Divine Soul Extreme Realm.

But if you want to truly step into the realm of the soul, resources are indispensable.

The cultivation base had just stepped into the Quasi-Emperor Realm, and it would take a lot of resources to step into the Mana Extreme Realm.

Of course, for Qin Yi, he didn't need to let this clone reach the realm of the three extremes.

Generally speaking, when the warrior enters the Zhun emperor, he can try to break through the emperor.

Fragment the origin of the Dao, turn it into the origin world, engrave your own Dao in the Dao of the heavens, you can break through the emperor!

In other words, Qin Yi's clone could break through the emperor long ago.

It's just that the resources consumed are massive!

"The Great Secret of Emperor Cheng is in hand, so I don't need to worry about resources.

This clone only needs to digest the Great Secret of Emperor Cheng. Breaking through the Emperor is also a matter of course. "

Qin Yi looked at the "Great Secret of Chengdi" in his hand, with a smile on his lips.

The Great Secret of Emperor Cheng contains the source of Tianzun Dao Yuan and Tian Dao.

These two powers, in essence, surpass the original Dao power in the emperor's body, far surpassing most auras and essences in the world!

Such as Chaos Reiki, Chaos Essence and the like, compared with them, they are not even worse!

"Even if there is only one group, it is enough to push this clone into the realm of the emperor."

Qin Yi smiled.

Don’t think that there is only such a small group, this ‘The Great Secret of Chengdi’, a random wisp, is more than a thousand times, ten thousand times more powerful than chaotic essence!

This small group is enough for Qin Yi to enter the emperor.

Moreover, there are countless laws contained therein, which is very convenient for understanding the laws.

This is also the reason why most of the gods Tianjiao who obtained the Great Secret of Cheng Emperor were able to break through the emperor in the end.

Next, Qin Yi did not waste any more time.

He sinking his mind, while absorbing the origin of the heavenly path and the heavenly path in the secret of the emperor, while comprehending the laws.

"When I leave the gate again, it will be the day when I break through the imperial gate!"

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