Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2155: Let’s look at Weichen, long-sleeved dance


Under everyone's gaze, Huo Beichen gave a cold snort.

He naturally knows the minds of everyone the most.

In fact, this is the case!

Tiandu God teaches these big forces, but they are worried about the future of the imperial dynasty, and they are unwilling to create a chamber of commerce based on the ten thousand realms.

However, it would definitely be unrealistic if many emperors and gods and religions were to follow the imperial dynasty.

Tongtian Baoge is different, it is itself a chamber of commerce that stands in the east.

If there is one more party with the support of a large chamber of commerce, the impact on the Tongtian Treasure Pavilion can be imagined.

"Deacon Beichen, it is hard for me to pass the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion. In the eastern frontier, I opened up a three-legged situation.

Based in the east of the Eastern Frontier, it is juxtaposed with the Shenwu Building and the Alliance of Heaven and Merchants in the Eastern Frontier. "

"Such a situation cannot be broken by the imperial dynasty.

The Tianyao Continent, where the Buluo Dynasty was located, was too close to the Tongtian Great World where the Baoge headquarters was located, and it was bound to have a huge impact on Baoge. "

"To go to Buluo Dynasty this time, we must find out the confidence of Buluo Dynasty!"

Huo Beichen recalled that when he went to Tianyao Continent, the Chamber of Commerce Supreme had instructed him, his eyes sank.

He knew very well that the Supreme Chamber of Commerce meant that if the imperial dynasty insisted on establishing the Chamber of Commerce, Tongtian Baoge would not hesitate to fight!

The eastern part of the eastern boundary is the stronghold of the Tongtianbao Pavilion.

If Buluo Dynasty wanted to cooperate with Tongtianbaoge, they would naturally welcome it extremely.

But if Buluo Dynasty wanted to set aside the Tongtianbao Pavilion and establish a chamber of commerce, the Tongtianbao Pavilion would naturally not agree.

This is the bottom line of Tongtianbaoge!

Everyone has the emperor in charge, the big deal is this!

Of course, this is the worst plan.

If it were not for a situation where it was impossible to maneuver, Tongtian Baoge would not do this.

"I must take this opportunity to figure out the realm of the emperor behind the imperial dynasty?

We also need to figure out that we do not lose the background of the dynasty. "

Huo Beichen's expression was extremely solemn, and he thought silently in his heart.

This incident was the reason why he did not come to the dynasty.

Whether the Buluo Dynasty is strong or not is related to the posture of the Tongtianbao Pavilion facing the Buluo Dynasty.

Whether to fight or make peace, it all depends on his judgment.

For this matter, Huo Beichen did not dare to make any difference!

A little carelessness may cause Tongtian Baoge to fall into a situation where he will never recover. How can he dare to look down upon it.

Just as he was thinking, a middle-aged man dressed in plain long clothes and a shrewd light flashing in his eyes walked towards several people.

"Vice President of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, Lu Buwei!"

Everyone was shocked and recognized the person.

Isn't this person the second person of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, Lu Buwei?

This Wanbao Chamber of Commerce has not been established. In fact, it is already a large chamber of commerce across the entire Tianyao mainland.

In recent days, the sudden opening of its own branch in the outside world will attract many big forces to rebound!

The president of the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce was the emperor who did not fall into the dynasty, but everyone knew that this Lord had never intervened in the development of the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce.

The vice president in front of him is the real thing of Wanbao Pavilion!

"Meet President Lu!"

When everyone saw Lu Buwei, they bowed their hands to him, and did not despise each other because Lu Buwei had only the cultivation of a saint.

Even if everyone is free, just the momentum can be crushed to death.

Everyone did not dare to underestimate each other.

"Lu Buwei, I have met all the adults!"

Lu Buwei laughed happily, with a gentle smile on his face.

This is what your Majesty said, will prevent me from failing to develop?

Look at Weichen, long-sleeved dance!

In order not to fall, open a business way!

Lina Wanbao Chamber of Commerce!

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