Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2159: There are ten emperors, what to do

Inside the hall.

The undercurrent surging.

A group of quasi emperors from various forces smiled and looked at the silent Lu Buwei.

The Zhuzhun emperors posture proudly, as if they were in their chests.

‘What a bunch of thieves! ’

The maids had only one thought in their hearts.

This is the real purpose of these forces!

Take this opportunity to suppress the Buluo Dynasty and curb the momentum of its rise.

Even, this is to carve up the dynasty!

Enter the Tianyao Continent to preach and seize the treasures of the dynasty. Some forces still want to take away the formation of the guardian formation outside the Tianyao Continent!

What a greed!

"How can this be good?"

The maids looked at each other and were extremely anxious.

In this group of messengers, each one behind them represented an emperor, a religion, or a big family.

There is an emperor behind these forces!

This is the trickiest thing!

There are envoys from the ten forces present, representing ten emperors!

Tiandu God Sect, Tongtian Treasure Pavilion, Huntian Emperor...

These are all eternal sacred places that have stood in the eastern boundary for countless years.

Its power is far beyond the imagination of countless creatures!

Huo Beichen looked around, and many quasi-emperors united in one spirit, representing the will of many emperors and gods, and they all joined hands!

Who can handle such strength?

‘President Lu of the Dynasty, what would you do? ’

Huo Beichen immediately raised his eyebrows and looked at Lu Buwei jokingly.

However, Lu Buwei's expression made him stunned.

Lu Buwei's gaze, looking back and forth on Zhu Zhun emperors, made many Zhun emperors quite uncomfortable, and the smile on his face was a little stiff.

"What are you looking at?"

Some quasi emperors even flashed a hint of anger.

"The old man is watching a bunch of fools."

The gentle smile on Lu Buwei's face gradually faded.

Want to carve up?

This group of people has a good calculation!

Sure enough, as your Majesty said, these are thieves who want to prevent me from rising.

In vain, the old man also thought of relying on his own means to divide them and open a way for not to fall.

‘As wise as your majesty, you have long seen through the wolf ambitions of these so-called holy places. ’

Lu Buwei sighed in his heart.

Before he received this group of messengers from various forces, he had said that this was a group of people with wolf ambitions.

At this time, how could he not understand this group of people, or these forces have long been stunned, the so-called Eastern Xinjiang Iron Law is just an excuse for everyone to oppress!

Thinking of him, Lu Buwei, who had become a powerful Lu Xiang from a set of common clothes, could not see this.


The faces of many quasi emperors suddenly became gloomy.

They came under the orders of their own emperors, representing the will of the emperor.

Ten messengers, that is ten emperors!

What a force this is!

Even if it is the first power of the Eastern Frontier, the Emperor Zhenhuang, the Cangqing Divine Cult of the two emperors in one dynasty, facing them, they can only retreat!

As a result, they were ridiculed by a courtier of the Buluo imperial court, which made many quasi emperors not angry!

"Chairman Lu, I advise you to consider it carefully. If you can't be the master, I will allow you to ask the emperor of your dynasty. The emperor who wants to come to your dynasty will definitely be able to tell right from wrong!"

Huo Beichen suppressed the anger in his heart, not smiling.

In his opinion, Lu Buwei is just a courtier, how can he be in charge?

Moreover, a courtier dared to speak loudly in front of them?

He had made up his mind a long time ago, when the matter was over, he would ask the Lord Buluo for this person, he would be arrested, and burned for thousands of years with sacred fire, so as to relieve his hatred!


At this time, a strong will came.

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