Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2166: Enraged

In the hall.

The eight quasi emperors were divided into two sides, and Qin Yi was besieged in the center.

"How dare you not fall to the emperor?"

"You attacked Mo Jianzun and Huo Dao Zun for no reason, and even killed Huo Dao Zun, and asked the Lord not to fall, what do you mean?"

"Please don't fall the emperor, give me an explanation!"

The eyes of the quasi-emperor envoys were chilly, and the mana in the body was faintly fluctuating.

Many quasi-emperor envoys faintly connected, questioning Qin Yi coldly.

For a time, the hall was surging!

‘I’m going to look at this seat. What is the ability of the emperor to suppress the anger of many emperors and gods! ’

The messenger of the Huntian Emperor smiled contemptuously.

You know, every envoy present represents a great power in the Eastern Frontier, an emperor!

He really didn't believe that, Qin Yi dared to kill Huo Beichen and also dared to kill everyone present.

If you have offended the God Cult and Tongtian Treasure Pavilion, do you dare to offend them all?

"His Majesty……"

Lu Buwei looked worried and couldn't help looking at Qin Yi.

These are all messengers of the imperial dynasty, the religious sects, and the great clans, and represent an emperor.

The current situation is totally unfavorable to Buluo Dynasty!

"You guys, when this monk kills Brother Beichen, he is not only hitting the face of the gods of the heavens, but also hitting the faces of our major forces. We should attack them together!"

Mo Baiming, who was suppressed by Qin Yi's hand, even jumped out and accused Qin Yi.

His impassioned face aroused the emotions of many envoys!

What a shame Qin Yi suppressed him with one hand!

He must avenge this grudge!

He may not be able to avenge this hatred alone, but the presence of many big forces is enough to suppress Qin Yi's head.


Qin Yi raised his brows, his indifferent eyes did not fluctuate.

The divine-like gaze lightly fell on Mo Baiming.

"not good!"

Everyone was shocked, and they secretly said that it was not good.


Mo Baiming was also afraid, and wanted to say something.

It is a pity that he hasn't finished speaking, his face suddenly changed, and he only felt that he was squeezing his crystal clear hands and clenching instantly.

"Damn it!"

Mo Baiming roared wildly and was scared to death.


A mana surging wildly, and a series of shocking sword intents poured out of his body.

The bright sword light surging like a wave!

It's like the stormy waves hit the shore, and the sky falls!

Mo Baiming can be respected as the Sword Sovereign, and his comprehension of kendo has long reached a state of culmination.

The kendo cultivation base of one body is to kill countless powerful enemies and harden them.

It is by virtue of the swordsmanship of this body that Mo Baiming will be respected as the Sword Sovereign, moving across the eastern frontier!


The mana in its body affects the laws of heaven and earth and is blessed above the sword light.

The sword light trembled even more, and various anomalies evolved.

The Azure Dragon entrenched, the Suzaku struck across the sky, the Xuanwu Zhentian, and the white tiger roared, all kinds of visions, showing the power of shaking the sky!


The many maids in the hall were instantly overwhelmed by this sword intent.

If it weren't for the golden dragons coiling in the sky, they lowered their gazes and held the many maids, I am afraid these maids would be crushed on the spot!

"Swordsmanship of the Four Elephants! Mo Jianzun has collected thousands of swordsmanships, and finally created a swordsmanship that can provoke the Four Elephants vision in the heavens and the world and suppress all enemies!"

Many quasi emperors also stared at them, exclaimed.

This Mo Jianzun was originally the one with the highest cultivation level among the people. He has cultivated as a quasi emperor for 30 million years and his cultivation level is unfathomable.

In addition, this swordsmanship is enough to dominate the quasi-emperor!

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