Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2175: North Korea will open, discuss war

Chenglong Palace.

The Minister of Civil and Military Affairs is separated.

In the hall, Ya Que was silent, and no one spoke.

The great forces of the ten directions are coming?

This is a big deal!

In the end, it is the great power of the ten directions, and there are ten emperors behind it. If all of them attack, with the current strength of the Buluhuang Dynasty, it may not be able to resist.

A little carelessness is a major event that will harm the entire dynasty!

At this time, the ministers did not dare to speak easily.

The ministers could not help turning their heads and looked at Lu Dongbin, Zhang Liang and Bai Qi.

These three people are the three powerful figures of the Emperor Buluo Dynasty second only to the emperor!

Lu Dongbin.

The first person of the quasi-emperor of Buluo Dynasty, the person who enshrines the temple.

In terms of strength, it is only weaker than that of the Monkey King who has never reappeared, and the emperor himself, who is hailed as the next supreme of the imperial dynasty.

Zhang Liang.

Do not leave the prime minister, follow the emperor with the highest qualifications, only under the emperor!


The general who came out of the Qin Dynasty, known as the "Human Tu", did not fall the first in the military, and Lu Bu, Huo Qubing and others were all under it.

These three people spoke, even if there was a mistake, the emperor's favor would not provoke the emperor to furious.


Lu Dongbin closed his eyes tightly, and two swords clanging loudly behind him.

Although they did not speak, everyone understood what Lu Dongbin meant.


I don't fall behind, I am born proud.

Why are you afraid of a battle!

Everyone looked at Bai Qi again, and his pair of tiger eyes widened, with murderous intent in his eyes boiling.

Yes, needless to say.

For these generals, most of them are the main battle group.

Although the great forces of the ten directions are strong, but they do not deceive me, why can't they fight?

As long as the ten emperors did not take action, they would not shrink back.

And Zhang Liang, Liu Ji and many other civil servants who were favored by the emperor were also old gods.

"What? Are you dumb?"

Qin Yi's eyes dropped, his voice could not hear any joy or anger.

Everyone was awe-inspiring, but Old Man Liu stood up: "Enjoy your majesty, the minister has what to play!"


Qin Yi's eyelids are drooping, and his complexion is slightly slow.

For a hundred years, Mr. Liu has never withdrawn from the imperial court, and is still one of the three unsecured men.

This unfallen state head can be said to be the oldest person in the unfallen dynasty.

In terms of status and status, even Zhang Liang and others can't compare to the queen's father.

"Weichen believes that judging from the current situation of the dynasty, it is not appropriate to start a war."

Elder Liu took a deep breath and bowed.

"Liu Guozhang, what do you mean?

Great forces such as the Tiandu God Sect, bullied the door and vowed to divide me up and not fall to the dynasty. Wouldn't I just sit still and wait for death if I did not fall to the dynasty? "

As soon as the voice fell, some generals could not help but jump out.

Even if you are the head of the country, you can't break my arrogance!

Can Buluo bow to these ten great forces?

"Not not to fight, but what to fight?"

Father Liu was not afraid, and asked in a deep voice.

"The imperial dynasty has been recuperating for a hundred years. Although the momentum of development is swift and violent, is it comparable to the power of the gods of heaven for thousands of years, or even several epochs?"

"Don't say anything else, if the quasi-emperor of the Tiandu God Sect and other forces come out, how to deal with it?"

"The ten powerful forces can gather countless soldiers at will, how to deal with it?"

Father Liu asked again and again.

"Why not fight?"

The general sneered.

This general was just one of the generals in Daqin's cavalry, but he was all proud.

"We can fight!"

The generals' words are full of determination and unyielding fighting spirit!

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