Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2180: The emperor, I'm going to be a father

Waiting is the most painful.

However, the joy after waiting is immense.

When the voice in Yongqing Hall gradually subsided.

At that time, countless people looked back at the same time, staring at the Yongqing Palace, here will be the birth of the first heir of the Buluo Dynasty!

The audience was silent, and the needle fell!

Whether it was the two queen mothers or the generals such as Bai Qi, they couldn't help but look at Yongqing Palace.

‘I’m going to be a father? ’

There was only one thought left in Qin Yi's mind.


At this moment, a huge breath rose into the sky.

This breath, although only one, shook the entire Tianyao Continent, shaking the sun and the moon.

This breath is like a beam of light that penetrates the sky, which shakes countless people.

When it was, countless people looked up and could see this breath, floating in the air, exuding a noble and bright light!

Every inch is like immortal gold cast, dazzling!

Its upper Taoist rhyme flows, containing a trace of immortality and immortality!

The vastness and recklessness, feathering and immortal!

Nine Heavens Immortal Qi!

This is the real Nine Heavens Immortal Qi!

This kind of power, even the existence of the peak of the Great Emperor, must be peeked.

Countless laws, when it appeared, kept roaring.


In the darkness, a black shawl, eyes like the supreme dignity of stars, sipped softly.

The aura that spread to the chaos outside the territory was also suppressed by Qin Yi in the imperial capital.

Otherwise, if this breath appeared, it would also shake countless creatures in the Tianyao Continent, including spies from other major forces.

"What power is this?"

"This strand of power is countless times higher than the concentration of Chaos Essence and Star Essence!"

"Could it be that this is the Nine Heavens Immortal Qi, the Hongmeng Purple Qi, or the power of the Chaos Spiritual Spirit?"

Countless strong people exclaimed.

Because of the suppression of the Heavenly Dao clone, everyone did not feel the Dao Yun of Nine Heavens Immortal Qi.

However, the powerful power fluctuations of the Nine Heavens Immortal Qi, the Heavenly Dao clone could not be suppressed, and were sensed by these powerful people.

It's just a strand, as if to see a vast world.

The sun, moon and stars, all beings multiply, the four elephants roar together, and the mountains are lofty!

The fluctuations that came from it suppressed everything around it and turned it into a pool of stagnant water, no longer flowing.

"It's really like the rumor of the Buluo dynasty. Does Buluo the emperor cultivate his heirs with nine heavenly celestial energy?"

There are strong people who mutter to themselves in disbelief.

Jiu Tian Xian Qi, what a precious thing!

There are only three or four kinds of energies in the heavens and all realms that can be compared with them.

Rumor has it that this kind of energy can only exist in the Supreme Immortal Realm, which is above the heavens and ten thousand realms!

The Nine Heavens Immortal Qi circulating in the heavens and the ten thousand realms is the Void Immortal Heavenly Sovereign of the heavens and ten thousand realms.

A ray of Nine Heavens Immortal Qi is worth more than a thousand worlds.

Even if it is, the supreme of the great emperor's pinnacle is quite coveted by the nine heavens.

If you don't fall to the emperor, you really use the Nine Heavens Immortal Qi to cultivate children.

This is simply too extravagant!

"Impossible, immortal energy is present in this world, ten thousand ways are humming together, heaven is bowed!

This wisp of breath just has powerful energy, and there is no immortal energy that can provoke the fundamental power of the heavens. "

The well-informed powerhouse could not help but deny it.

The power nature of Nine Heavens Immortal Qi is extremely high, as long as it appears, it will trigger countless laws of heaven.

This fluctuation cannot be concealed!

But now, although this breath is vast, there is no such a vision.

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