Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2197: Send troops to fight against Emperor Huntian

On the sky.

Ten warships, like a silent behemoth, lay across the sky.

The terrifying breath shook the emptiness horizontally and horizontally, as if it could collapse the tens of thousands of miles of emptiness at any time.

Even some strong foreigners who have never left, see such a lineup, they don't feel scared.

If a legion is drawn from it, a quasi-emperor may just feel a little tricky.

So, when several legions are together, not to mention a quasi emperor, even if three or four quasi emperors are here, they have to slap their claws.

Moreover, this is still in the absence of a military leader. There are generals who are proficient in the way of warriors and commanders, such as Bai Qi, and the power that this army has exploded has to skyrocket several times!

Even if it is the existence of the two quasi-emperor's extreme realms that have been cultivated, they are unwilling to take action against the Great Qin cavalry commanded by Bai Qi!

A little carelessness will cost them their own lives.

Moreover, there are strong men who enshrine the temple, such as Lu Dongbin.

Even if it is an emperor, facing such a military force, he must be cautious, or defeat one by one, or imperial weapons.

Of course, Qin Yi would not just sit back and watch the emperor make any moves.

With his combat power, it is enough to rival an emperor!


Qin Yi coughed slightly, and countless people looked at him suddenly.

"You princes, you must have known that forces such as the Heavenly Capital God Sect used their own power to deceive me.

What a wolfish ambition to try to carve up my dynasty. "

Qin Yi's voice was low and full of anger.

This is the pre-war oath!

"I thought that if we didn't let things go, we would be fine.

For a hundred years, I have not settled down on the Continent of Tianyao, recuperating. "

"Of course, I didn't expect that I had no intention of hurting others, but the God Cult of Tiandu had a murderous heart. The handsome people deceived me not to fall into the dynasty!"

"Everyone, what do you think?"

As he said, Qin Yi took a step forward, and his voice suddenly became loud and loud!

The enemy oppresses and humiliates me!

Jun asked, how about?


Before Bai Qi stepped on, his voice was like a dragon chant.


Lu Dongbin stepped forward, sound like a sword roar.


Countless soldiers who have not fallen, their eyes are red, and they roar to the sky!

Those who deceive me not to fall should be killed!

Countless soldiers clenched the weapons in their hands, and their faces were full of enthusiasm and determination.

The direction of the king's eye, the point of our sword!

They are not letting people go. Who dares to deceive me not letting go, and ask us about the sword and Changge in our hands, and we will not agree!

"Kill, kill, kill!"

"Kill him upside down!"

"Kill him so much blood!"

The hands of many soldiers were so pale that they roared again and again!

Qin Yi had already ignited his fighting spirit!

We are soldiers who do not fall. How can we sit back and watch others deceive me?

Give up this body's life, but also to reshape the pride of life!

Wipe away the dust on my imperial dynasty's crown, and wipe it with blood.

"Well, I hereby declare that if you don't fall to send troops to the Huntian Great World, you will destroy the first ten forces and the evil Huntian Emperor.

Bury Huntian Great World to frighten the world! "

Qin Yi shouted loudly, his voice full of cold killing intent and endless fighting intent.

Are you ready?

Emperor Huntian?

Emperor Huntian?

Soldiers of My Doraemon, here comes, can you fight against My Doraemon?


Countless soldiers roared, full of excitement and passion.

The fighting spirit is high.

Can fight for nine days!

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