Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2200: Major forces of wolf ambition

"The Emperor..."

The creatures of the imperial dynasty looked worriedly at the sky.

Looking at the warship that covered the sky, there was a deep worry in his eyes.

"If we are you, at this time, it is best to escape from the imperial dynasty and stay away from this impending dynasty!"

What's more, there is an impure-minded Eastern Frontier powerhouse, bewitching everyone.

"Yes, those who know the current affairs are brilliant, don't want to lose their lives for this ignorant dynasty.

If you have the aptitude to join my teaching, you can avoid this disaster! "

Powerful gods with a fairy style and bones can seduce everyone.

Because of the existence of the two large formations on the Tianyao continent, it did not fall into the dynasty, but many talented and powerful men were born.

The spies sent by many cults of the Eastern Frontiers found Buluo Dynasty, although they came to find out the news.

However, these strong religious cults couldn't help but think, wanting to include all these good seedlings in the religious cult!

These seedlings, with a little cultivation, are a arrogant!

But due to the existence of the Buluo Dynasty, apart from a small number of unwilling Bulutianjiao, few Buluotianjiao worshipped the gods.

This has caused a lot of headaches for many powerful gods, and I have never seen such a cohesive dynasty.

Headaches belong to the headaches, and the strong gods did not give up the idea of ​​not being able to dig the imperial wall.

Now, it is an excellent opportunity!

The Buluo Dynasty confronted the Huntian Emperor. Whether they win or lose, they are all happy to see it happen.

Although, they don't think that Buluo Dynasty will win, the final result will only be that Buluo Dynasty will fall apart!

The Cults of Gods can also bring many seedlings of the Buluo Dynasty under their command!

"Boy, this is your only chance. If you agree to this seat, this seat can protect you into my teaching and become an inner disciple."

An old man with an immortal style and gentle face, said to a Buluotianjiao beside him.

The old man has a white beard on his head and smiles with great satisfaction.

He is an elder of the God Sect of Tiandu, who was sent to Buluo Dynasty to inquire about the news of Buluo Dynasty.

As a result, he found a good seed that tempted him.

The Bulutianjiao in front of him was a good seed he found.

He is confident that as long as Tianjiao agrees to this, he can send him into the religion of God and become an inner disciple. At worst, he is an ancient sage!

If it is possible, it is not impossible to be the Emperor Zhun!

Anyway, if you don't fall the Dynasty Building will fall, you are not afraid that this son will not agree.

"Get out! How can I join your so-called cult!"

However, what disappointed the old man was that Buluo Tianjiao only replied such a sentence.

The spine is straight and cold pine, if you don't fall proud, you can top the sky and the sea!

Want to trick me into betraying? impossible!


The old man's face sank, his eyes chilling.

He is the elder of Tiandu God Sect, with a high position, when was he rejected by others!

Not to mention, this area is barbarous!

If it were not for his talent, he would have slapped him to death.

"Humph! Today, whether you agree or not, you must be in my God Cult!"

The old man snorted coldly, took a hand, and grabbed the Buluotianjiao.


Buluotianjiao roared.

How intent this thief!

I don't want to join the gods of the heavens, so I want to push me!

Hateful, his cultivation is too weak to kill this shameless old thief!

Guard me not to lose the majesty!

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