Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2206: Domineering

"The emperor has an order, and the strong from outside the territory will conquer the Emperor Huntian.

No one is allowed to leave the Tianyao Continent until the Buluo army returns to the Buluo Dynasty.

During this period, anyone who dares to survive cholera will be killed! "

The Broken Bee stood on the sky, overlooking the many powerful outsiders present.


Behind her, the evil spirit was overwhelming, and the murderous aura was surging, as if the Nine Nether Demon God had opened the door to the endless underworld.

In an instant, an extremely large underworld evolved.

Countless ghosts and ghosts roar in this side of the world!

The terrifying underworld is as heavy as mercury, rolling in the void, piercing thousands of miles of void!

"Your Excellency, are you too domineering?"

Hearing these words, many powerful people from outside the territory made their complexions hard to look.

If it is said that the strong of the imperial dynasty suppressed the Tianyao mainland and forbid outsiders to cholera but the imperial dynasty, everyone has no opinion.

After all, this is the other side's territory, and there are strong people suppressing it, and everyone is not good to say more.

However, not allowing them to leave the Tianyao Continent, in the eyes of everyone, it is too domineering!

They are the powerhouses of the major religions and dynasties, and the worst is an ancient sage, no matter where they are, they are all strong.

Has ever been so restrained?

If this order is announced by an emperor, everyone doesn't mind giving the emperor a face and abide by this order.

The mere dynasty also wants to overwhelm the many strong players present!

Don’t look at what forces are the strong people present, such as the Star God Sect, the Nine Heavens Emperor, and the Tao Yan God Sect...

Which one is not the imperial dynasty, the religious sect, or the powerhouse of a big clan?

A force that is not even an imperial dynasty, dare to speak out and suppress the many powerful people present?

"What about domineering? If you enter me but never fall, you must respect my order!

As long as you step into the dynasty of my immortality, the law of my immortality is heaven! "

Broken Bee looked indifferent and said lightly.

In Wubuluo, the emperor’s command is the heaven and earth.

Regardless of whether it is a dragon or a tiger, when you come to my dynasty, you must stand up and obey the laws of my dynasty!

"You! Well, what a domineering imperial dynasty, who provokes the Tiandu God Cult and the Huntian Emperor, do you want to offend us all?"

Countless extraterritorial powerhouses could not help being impatient.

They are also well-informed people, and they have never seen such an arrogant force. It is not arrogant.

Generally, such an arrogant force will either be destroyed or not live long!

"This elder wants to see, what can you do with this seat?

A mere six-tiered sage, don’t think that if you have the luck to kill the elder Gou of the **** of heaven, you dare to do whatever you want. "

An ancient sage elder of the Star God Sect gave a cold snort.

He wanted to see if this did not fall, the dynasty would really dare not make a move against them?

Moreover, even if the man in black makes a move, he is not afraid!

He is not the **** of God teaches Elder Gou, that kind of waste!


The ancient sage elder of the Star Gods sect stretched his sleeves, and his body was filled with radiant radiance.

The whole person is like a dazzling star!

Zhou Tianxing Fighting Jue!

One of the nine great tactics of the Star God Sect, which can transform the heavens and stars to suppress the enemy.


The next moment, this person stepped on his feet and instantly rose up.

"Look at this elder, who dares to stop this elder!"

The elder of the Star God Cult screamed angrily.

Immediately, he rushed to the sky without hesitation, and wanted to leave Tianyao Continent.

Everyone quickly looked at Broken Bee, but found that Broken Bee was unmoved.

She didn't mean to stop it!

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