Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2208: Flowing blades like fire, the city of flames

"The blade is like a fire, caress!"


As soon as the voice fell, Elder Zhao only felt an extremely hot breath, coming from the chaos outside the territory, fast as thunder.

Elder Zhao didn't have time to react at all, so he was enveloped by the flames that could burn through the void, and his whole person was engulfed.


A scream.

A plume of flying smoke.


In an instant.

In the sky, only a small fireball remained, burning violently.

When everyone looked at it, they felt a sudden chill in their hearts.

This burning fireball is not a cat or a dog, it is a real high-level ancient sage.

Unlike ordinary ancient sages, the status of high-ranking sages in the clans of the imperial dynasty is even higher.

The one who fell, a big family, also feels distressed for it.

At this moment, he was cut to death by someone!

"Captain Yamamoto?"

Broken Bee looked at the sky, her eyes flashed, she knew who did it.

The one who had just shot was the captain of the first division of the Gotei 12th Division, and Moto Ryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto was also the oldest captain.


Many extraterritorial powerhouses couldn't help but swallow.

The highest cultivation among all the people present is only between the first and second elder Zhao.

Elder Zhao can be killed by someone, and they can also be killed by him!

"Damn it, where are so many powerful people from Buluo Dynasty?"

Many extraterritorial powerhouses have cursed secretly in their hearts.

The army gathered in the distance doesn't even mean to take care of it.

This also means that the strong man who shot at this moment should be the strong man used by the Buluo Dynasty to suppress the Buluo Dynasty.

While conquering the Huntian Emperor, and keeping so many powerful people in the Tianyao Continent, isn't it afraid of wasted combat power?

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but feel shocked by the background of Bu Luo Dynasty.

This has only been a hundred years, and Buluo Dynasty has grown into this way!

It's no wonder that many dynasties, religious religions, and big clans will take action to suppress the imperial dynasty. If you wait for hundreds or thousands of years, the imperial dynasty will not know what it will grow into!

Before the Buluo Dynasty has grown up, it is undoubtedly the best choice to suppress it.

Of course, for these extraterritorial powerhouses, they dare not act rashly at this moment.

The lessons learned by Elder Gou and Elder Zhao are still in front of them, and everyone does not dare to appear easily.

"The emperor has an order. When I conquer the Emperor Huntian, it is best for everyone to stay in the imperial dynasty!"

At this time, an old voice in the sky floated far away.

"Flaming City!"

Immediately afterwards, the old voice shouted softly.


When everyone looked up, they saw a hazy picture emerging from the sky.

In the picture, there is an old man with a long beard and an old face, holding a sharp blade, fighting against a strong man.

"That is Venerable Mo Dao of the Nine Heavens Empire, an ancient sage on the peak!"

Everyone's pupils shrank, and they recognized the strong man who was fighting against the old man.

This is an ancient sage from the peak of the Jiuxiao Emperor, known for his swordsmanship, but was suppressed by that old man!

Then this old man slashed from the sky.


That huge flame suddenly turned into a pillar of fire that reached the sky and the earth, and it fell from above the nine heavens.

This flame column swiftly swept across the sky!

In an instant, everyone present was enveloped in it, like an impenetrable city wall, covering all directions.

Flowing blades like fire, the city of flames!

Everyone was shocked, only to feel that a heat wave hits directly, like being in a flame hell!

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