Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2210: As the warlords, the blood stains Eastern Xinjiang

Do not fall to the imperial capital.

More than a dozen immortal warships lay across the sky.

A silent and unrelenting soldier, holding a soldier, like a sculpture standing quietly in battle.

Standing on the most magnificent battleship, Qin Yi's eyes swept away, as if a nine-day real immortal dropped his gaze, he had a panoramic view of the situation in Tianyao Continent.

Whether it is the battles of Uchiha Itachi, Byakuya, Yamamoto Motoyanagi Jusaikuni in the chaos outside the territory, or the battles of Shattered Bee and others, all are in his grasp.

"Your Majesty, with the power of the Nether Ghost Army and Tingfeng Guardian, can you guard the Tianyao Continent?"

Beside Qin Yi, Zhuge Liang in Ruyi was shaking his feather fan.

During the expedition of Emperor Huntian, Qin Yi took Zhuge Liang as his military division and commanded the entire army.

But Zhang Liang, Liu Ji and others stayed in Tianyao Continent. Compared with these two people, Zhuge Liang was a matter of military attack.

"Kong Ming, don't worry, half of the Nether Ghost Army and Tingfeng Guard are enough to suppress Xiao Xiao in the Tianyao Continent.

Besides, I have already instructed Mu Ling and Taishan to sit in the imperial capital with a map of mountains and rivers. If things exceed the control of the ghost army, they will take action. "

Qin Yi waved his hand and didn't care much.

In the Tianyao Continent, the Ghost Army and Tingfeng Guard are equivalent to home battles, and are blessed by the power of the Eight Diagrams Array and the Great Boundary Protection Array.

If the ordinary Xiao Xiao stepped into the Tianyao continent, he would be suppressed by two large formations.

One trades and the other grows, only the broken bee and others can cross the border so easily!

You know, even if Broken Bee practices the curse, it is not easy to fill the gap between the six layers of the ancient sage and the sage.

Not to mention, the broken bee assassinated the five ancient saints one after another, all succeeding.

Relying on the blessing of the two large formations, otherwise, the broken bee wants to assassinate the ancient sage, at least it will not be possible until she reaches the realm of the ancient sage.

"Two adults, Mu Ling and Taishan, holding pictures of mountains and rivers and sitting in the imperial capital, Tianyao mainland has no worries!"

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly and nodded immediately.

Two adults, Mu Ling and Taishan, one is from the patriarch of the Mu Ling clan, who was given the gift of the emperor and can control the power of hundreds of millions of wood spirits in the Tianyao Continent.

The so-called wood spirit power is the power of countless ancient trees, green pine and other plants in Tianyao Continent.

The patriarch of the wood spirit clan is the quasi emperor himself, relying on the power of countless wood spirits, he can fight against the power of the quasi emperor's extreme realm!

The other is the mountain **** who controls the heavens and mountains.

Thinking of this mountain god, Zhuge Liang also had to sigh for his luck.

Within a hundred years, relying on the hundreds of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers to sort out the imperial dynasty, the back-feeding of the power of the earth veins, the great advancement of cultivation base, and finally the realm of quasi-emperor!

The opportunity is so great that ordinary people are dumbfounded!

In terms of combat power, it is even more comparable to the patriarch of the Wood Spirit clan!

The only shortcoming is that this mountain **** can no longer leave the Tianyao Continent, and his life is confined to the Tianyao Continent.

Unless he can break the shackles of the power of the earth veins and step into the strongest realm, he can leave the Tianyao continent.

"Get out!"

Qin Yi's eyes were deep, and then he took a step forward suddenly.


The emperor's dragon sword came out of its sheath and pointed to the sky.

"Zhou Jun, let's go! Step out the Emperor Huntian Dynasty!"

Qin Yi stands proudly with a sword, and his voice is like a golden ge, shaking people's hearts!

"Take off the Huntian Emperor Dynasty!"

The soldiers roared, shaking the world.


A dozen non-falling warships set sail, and the whole hull trembled and roared.

Don't fall into the army, come out!

War generals, blood stains Eastern Xinjiang!

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