Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2229: Destroy the army


Fight against Yingye, whistling to the sky.

Altria threw a million black armored cavalry to face the Ten Army of the Emperor Huntian.

For a time, the collision of the army was dizzying.

The sound of shouting and killing rose into the sky, and the dark clouds that shook the horizon tended to collapse.

From time to time, corpses fell from the sky, among them were soldiers of the Huntian Emperor, and black-armored cavalry from the Emperor Huntian.

Between the two parties, there is damage!

Originally, although the number of black armored cavalry was more than that of the Shifang Army of the Huntian Emperor, most of the soldiers and soldiers of the two were in the realm of entry.

However, Lei Lingwei of the Huntian Emperor Dynasty and other military lieutenants, captains, and commanders, among them, there is no shortage of celestial emergence, and even the great power of saints and ancient sage giants.

On the other hand, the black armored cavalry, only Altria is a saint.

In the beginning, it was below.

Even Altria was beaten to vomit blood.

In the end, it was to enshrine the hall, and some generals of the military, such as the three brothers Liu, Guan and Zhang, took action and stopped the ancient sage giants of Lei Lingwei and others.

This will stabilize the situation!


"Both male and female!"

"Fighting wild!"

The three brothers Liu, Guan and Zhang waved their weapons and mana spurted, and the three of them fought wildly against an ancient sage.

Combine the power of the three, pressing an ancient sage giant!

At the same time, some of the saints who were involved in the aftermath of their battle were killed with one blow.


Guan Yu stood proudly in the void, Qinglong Yanyue knife slashed down diagonally.

I saw a beam of blood rising into the sky, condensed into a thousand-zhang sword light, and a powerful sword intent swept across the sky, like a vast sea of ​​swords, flooding countless soldiers of the Emperor Huntian.

The sword intent is surging, tearing the world apart!


In the incredible gazes of countless soldiers of the Emperor Huntian Dynasty, this wiping light of the sword slammed into the army of Huntian.

The Lei Lingwei soldier's eyes widened, shrouded by the light of the sword, and strangling them one by one into powder.

Immediately afterwards, the light of the sword penetrated the sky.

The light of this spatula directly cut Lei Lingwei transparently, Wanjun Piyi!

Most of Lei Lingwei's 100,000 soldiers were killed and injured in an instant.


Guan Yu's complexion was red, Danfeng's eyes were slanting, and his mouth was turbid.

One blow, destroy the army!

Rao was based on the cultivation base of Saint Guan Yu's six-fold peak, and he felt strenuous and needed time to recover his mana.

"Damn it!"

The Lei Ling clan powerhouse commanding Lei Ling Wei was furious, his eyes red.

This is the heritage of the Lei Ling Clan!

Lei Lingwei is annihilated, Lei Ling clan will fall into the strong clan of Huntian Emperor, plus the quasi-emperor ancestor of Lei Ling clan is dead, Lei Ling clan is destroyed!

The loss of both backgrounds also means that the Lei Ling clan will be in a slump in the future!

The Lei Ling clan powerhouse present immediately went mad, abandoned his opponent, and slew towards Guan Yu.


Liu Bei and Zhang Fei gave a cold snort, and the soldiers danced like a dragon.

Blocking all the powerhouses of the Lei Ling clan, the other powerhouses of the imperial dynasty also rushed over to support them and buy time for Guan Yu to recover.

With Guan Yu's allure, it was enough to quickly slay the army of the Emperor Huntian.

And for the imperial dynasty, win the victory as soon as possible.

However, Guan Yu wanted to slash Allure with a single blow, and the mana was too huge, and recovery was extremely slow.

For a time, the battle was temporarily deadlocked.

The Emperor Huntian was facing one side, but he couldn't sit still.

"Zhenhaiwei, Tianpengwei... shot!"

Prince Huntian ordered ten powerful troops again and let him take action.


Countless army rushed to the battlefield again.

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