Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2242: Emperor Huntian moves towards the Emperor Zhun

On the side of the Emperor Huntian, there are close to a hundred quasi-emperors.

If you don't fall to the side of the dynasty, there are fewer than ten quasi-emperors!

In other words, a quasi emperor who does not fall into the imperial dynasty needs to face ten quasi emperors of the Huntian Emperor dynasty to have the hope of victory.


is it possible?

At the level of the quasi-emperor, who is not the dragon and phoenix among the people, the hero of all ages, only half a step into the realm of the emperor!

Even if there is a gap in this level of existence, it won't actually be too big.

Unless you cultivate to the quasi-emperor's extreme realm, everyone will only be among the first and second, no matter how strong they are, at most they will be one enemy two and one enemy three.

If you want to be one enemy to ten, that is the unparalleled arrogance of all major forces!

Such evildoers require all major forces to spend countless resources to cultivate. One or two people can be cultivated in an era.

How could it be possible for the imperial dynasty to have this level of power?

And, there are ten more?

Isn't this a joke?

Maybe the heavens and gods can cultivate so many enchanting evildoers, but it is absolutely impossible for the Buluo Dynasty to cultivate so many powerful people.

"It's this seat who made a mistake. If you don't fall into the dynasty, how can you be the opponent of the Huntian Emperor."

The fat emperor Zhun of Tongtian Baoge also recovered and let out a laugh.

Legions such as the Daqin Iron Cavalry can also be cultivated with divine artifacts such as military exercises and various genius treasures.

If Qin Yi came from the dynasty of the heavens, it would not be an exaggeration to have such a background.

However, if the Buluo Dynasty was sitting on more than ten enchanting evildoers, this would not make sense.

The cultivation of an evil spirit is not a matter of overnight. How can a bereaved dog fleeing the eastern borders have so many evil spirits to follow?

It's impossible!

"When the many quasi-emperors of the Huntian Dynasty take action, it will be the end of this battle."

The fat Emperor Zhun of Tongtian Baoge said with a smile.

The other quasi-emperors all nodded and smiled lightly.

The Buluo Dynasty can force the Emperor Huntian to this level, which is already powerful.


Everyone was thinking, the quasi-emperor of the Huntian Emperor finally moved.

I saw a column of water, gushing out from the Emperor Huntian Capital, like a giant sword that broke through the chaos of the sun and the moon, and went straight to the sky!

The violent and vast power swept the Quartet, and the void trembled.

Endless visions manifested, like a rolling Tianhe, wherever it passed, the void collapsed one after another.

A thin figure, covered in a water dragon in the sky, suddenly appeared, and attacked the ship that never fell on the sky.

Catch the thieves first!

The figure pays attention to it, it is precisely the many high-level leaders of the imperial dynasty who have broken through the warship of imperviousness. Naturally, they have won the battle!

"This is Venerable Qianhai, the quasi-emperor of the Xuanshui Demon Clan. It is said that he has stepped into the extreme realm of the quasi-emperor in shock. It is an old monster who has practiced for half an era!"

In the hall, many quasi-emperor envoys couldn't help but condensed.

This quasi-emperor of the Huntian Empire was a pinnacle powerhouse with a reputation in the Eastern Frontier.

The Xuanshui demon clan is known for its strong mana, and this Qianhai quasi-emperor has practiced for nearly half an era!

One can imagine how terrifying this Qianhai quasi-emperor is.

The Tianhe on the sky that day was transformed by the mana of this Venerable!

Every strand of river water is the cultivation base of a quasi emperor for one year!

And how vast is this Tianhe, like a big river rushing across the sky, enough to drown a quasi-emperor.

Starting from the boundless sky, poured into Qingming, like a river of nine gods!

The void is broken, the sun and the moon hang upside down!

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