Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2244: Qi and blood as paintings, painting Wanli Galaxy


Venerable Dry Sea raised his brows and stroked his hand, the river of mana blew up under his feet.

In an instant, Ruuo turned into a barrier and stopped this boxing strength.

"Dare to resist?"

Venerable Dry Sea flashed a sullen anger in his eyes, extremely angry.


The river of mana was tumbling, and a vast breath burst out from his body.

The void surrounding thousands of miles is sinking!

This piece of void, as if turned into a **** of iron, is indestructible, as long as someone stays in it, it will be instantly crushed into meat sauce by this pressure!

"Venerable Qian Hai will win!"

Countless creatures of the Emperor Huntian Dynasty looked up at the sky and waved for it.

"As expected, an old monster who has practiced for half an era!"

The fat Emperor Zhun of Tongtian Baoge couldn't help but be speechless looking at the scene in Guangmiao's mirror.

The Xuanshui Demon Race is known for its strong mana.

Venerable Qianhai has existed for nearly 50 million years, and his magical power is almost beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Although he did not step into the quasi-emperor's extreme realm, the strength of his mana, even a quasi-emperor who had cultivated to the extreme realm of mana, could not be compared with it.

Only in the control of the mana, the purity of the mana, can one beat it!

Even if it is him, he dare not say that he can block the blow of Venerable Qianhai!

Visible, its horror!

"For you, want to stop this seat?"

Venerable Qianhai's eyes were cold, overlooking White Beard.

Although the white beard's breath is obscure and difficult to understand, he still sees the cultivation base of the white beard at a glance, just a quasi emperor.

In terms of cultivation base, both he and White Beard are quasi emperors, but he is confident that he can crush White Beard!

Relying on his powerful and terrifying mana, he has defeated more than ten quasi-emperors, and the quasi-emperors are no longer a few!

A human quasi-emperor, where can the mana go?

Comparable to the quasi-emperor of the monster race he once killed?

"is it?"

In response, White Beard only smiled faintly, his arms hanging down.




From his body, there was a roar of thunder.

It was like countless dignity dragons, roaring in the body of the white beard, and rang into one.

An unimaginable majesty, sweeping across the four directions, shocked this world!


The vast sky of thousands of miles was filled with the blood of White Beard!

The tide of qi and blood, like a mountain and sea, is wrapped in a majestic and domineering war spirit, as if it is going to sweep the entire Huntian World, and even rush out of the Huntian World.

All the surrounding void was burned into nothingness by this blood!

The blood is like a dragon, like a raging fire!

It is even more dazzling stars rising from the sky!

Use the blood as a painting to draw a galaxy map of a thousand miles!

"this is?"

Countless people were moved by this breath.

Far away from hundreds of millions of miles away, the messengers of the major forces seemed to feel this breath, and stopped looking at the wide-miao mirror, all of them looked up, dumbfounded.

Even the many powerhouses of the Buluo Dynasty looked back.

Seeing the white beard, he couldn't help but smile!

"Not bad!"

Qin Yi looked down and commented faintly.

The nearly four hundred years of practice has not only allowed Baibeard to step into the realm of the emperor, but also allowed Baibeard's cultivation to go a long way in the realm of the emperor.

Yes, four hundred years!

The reason why the major powerhouses of the imperial dynasty have improved so quickly.

Not only because of the talents of the great powers, but also because of their practice time.

A hundred years outside.

And they have practiced for four hundred years!

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