Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2247: The power of Time and Space Training Pavilion

Holding the void in your hand, manipulating the universe.

White beard grabbed the emptiness with a single scratch.

In the void on one side, it seems that White Beard can be manipulated at will, and terrible power can be transmitted from his hands.


Venerable Qianhai's complexion changed abruptly, and he could clearly perceive the terrifying power hidden in the void, under this ‘curtain’.

Even the strength of the previous punch, under the invisible force, turned back and forth, converging with this force.

It merges into even more terrifying, like the rolling waves of the Nu River!

"My life is given by the emperor, and only the emperor can take it away.

Your supernatural powers can't kill me! "

The white beard chuckled slightly, his hands loosened slightly.

Venerable Qianhai's expression changed, and he looked up in amazement.

Eyes twinkled with divine brilliance, looking through the void, endless turbulent punching power, and the power of space breaking, like a river falling, pouring away thousands of miles!

This force, wrapped in the supreme power that crushed everything, crashed down!

How surging and terrifying this power!

If we say that the strength of Venerable Qianhai's mana is like rivers and lakes, then this punch is like a huge ocean.

As long as the mana is transported, countless powerful people can see in the eyes, this power can hardly be described in words.

The violent fluctuations spread, a piece of void shattered, and the entire Huntian Great World seemed to mourn under this force.

The world was torn apart, and the chaotic storm surged!

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers collapsed in an instant. If it weren't for the protection of the magic circle everywhere in the Emperor Huntian Dynasty, I don't know how many creatures would fall because of this!

"Damn it!"

Venerable Qianhai roared wildly, and the basaltic magical element screamed.

The whole person is immersed in the basaltic method, driving the basaltic method, turning into a sacred pillar that runs through the world.

He also knows that at this time, if he does not advance or retreat, there is only a dead end.

Only by fighting hard can there be a chance!

The strong fight, the brave win!

What's more, he doesn't think he will fail.

He is the strongest person in the Emperor Huntian Dynasty, who can be ranked among the top three quasi-emperors, and the strongest monster who has killed several quasi-emperors!

How could you lose?

How can you lose?

However, he took it for granted and underestimated the white beard.

Purely speaking of power, he is indeed far better than White Beard, but power is not equivalent to combat power, and mana is not equivalent to using all of your power.

Excessive power, on the contrary, restricts Venerable Dry Sea!

But White Beard was different, relying on the shaking fruit, hundreds of years of hard cultivation, and the control of his own power surpassed Venerable Qianhai.

In addition, his practice in the Space-Time Cultivation Pavilion is not just as simple as enhancing his cultivation.

Practicing in the time and space training pavilion, the understanding of the law is also twice the result with half the effort.

Qin Yi also specially exchanged the opportunity of enlightenment in Heaven or Dao for Baibeard and others who entered the time and space cultivation pavilion to practice.

Taking this opportunity, Baibeard and others' understanding of the law also made rapid progress.


This price is not cheap!

The price is that Qin Yi's killing points obtained in a hundred years are basically invested in Baibeard and others.

Even Qin Yi himself, after raising his cultivation level to the quasi-emperor realm in the time and space cultivation pavilion, left the time and space cultivation pavilion and gave the opportunity to his cultivation.

Of course, Qin Yi is not in a hurry to break through the emperor, but also thinks about completing the system task and practicing to the three quasi-emperor realm!

If you want to break through the extreme realm of mana, you need to step into the emperor with the clone, and condense the ‘Essential Emperor’s rule’ with the realm of the clone, before pushing yourself into the extreme realm of mana.

The assistance of Time and Space Training Pavilion is not too great.

Therefore, Qin Yi will leave the Space-Time Training Pavilion later.

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