Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2259: Haughty Big Toki Hakata

The sky will fall.

The tyrannical attack swept the world, suddenly the void collapsed, the vastness fell, and the terrifying aura storms everywhere!

The law roars, raging everywhere!

It's like a huge millstone falling, obliterating everything.

Any existence involved in it can only end with a soul-stirring ending, and even a little remains can't be left behind.

This is not a joke!

Thirty quasi-emperors’ blows, who can stop them?

Even if it is a supreme, you must avoid its edge and wait for an opportunity to fight.


Datongmu Yuyi is driving Susao Nohu, roaring up to the sky, and his fighting spirit is hot.

He can avoid this battle without fighting, but he cannot do so.

On the side of Emperor Huntian, there are still too many quasi emperors who have not taken action. If he retreats, who will stop these thirty quasi emperors?

Who will stop the remaining quasi emperor?

He could not avoid this battle.

White Beard can reversibly fight ten quasi-emperors. He is stronger than White Beard. Why can't he fight these thirty quasi-emperors?

I have Lingyun Zhi, this one can crush the sky!


The bright blue flame obscured the sky, and the mighty fighting spirit burst out, shaking the surrounding space with a sonorous sound.

This Suzuonenghu is the most powerful ability of the reincarnation eye, or it can be called a magical power.

In Datongmu Yuyi's hundreds of years of practice and continuous development, he has reached an unimaginable realm long ago!

Perhaps in terms of combat power, it is not as good as the supreme, but in terms of defense, coupled with the law of flame practiced by Datongmu Yuyi, in terms of defense, Datongmu Yuyi is confident that it is not lost to an emperor!

Let this seat use this magical power to break through the nine days and make a brilliant road in order not to fall!

Suzuo could not evade, and flew straight into the attacks of many quasi emperors.


Countless violent powers instantly drowned Suzuo Nenghu.

"Hahaha, idiot, really an unreasonable idiot!"

The Nine Lions were stunned, and then laughed presumptuously.

He has seen an idiot, and he has never seen such an idiot.

Facing the attack of thirty quasi emperors, dare to ignore it?

He still wanted to ravage this person, and it seemed that there was no need for him to make another move. This person was already gone.

The rest of the quasi emperors also stood with their hands in hand, their expressions were wrong.

The actions of Datongmu Yuyi made them dumbfounded, and what followed was only a thick banter and ridicule.

This person will undoubtedly die!

There is no reason to survive being hit frontally by their many quasi-emperors' attacks.

Many casual cultivators who watched the battle and the messengers of the major forces also thought so.


At this moment, in the storm formed by countless violent violence, a figure suddenly rushed out from it.

Looking closely, the figure's clothes were torn, blood was bleeding in his mouth, and it was obvious that he was seriously injured, but he did not fall.

This is obviously Otsuki Yui!

"This, how is this possible!"

"This person actually survived the attack of thirty quasi emperors?"

"He didn't even fall?"

Countless creatures were dumbfounded, and they were so surprised that they could not speak.

All this is obviously beyond everyone's imagination.

But Otsuki Yui did not mean to stay.

Suzuo Nenghu has disappeared, and Datongmu Yuyi has not recondensed, but holding the jade scepter for seeking Taoism, killing many quasi-emperors!


With a low drink, Datongmu Yuyi burst into a fierce fighting spirit.


The six Taoist jade suspended in him suddenly flew out, and a series of black gods flowed out, forming a big formation.

With the power of Daoyu, a large formation as vast as the world was created!

Array hanging in the void, evolving the world!

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