Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2269: Heaven and man drink, push to the palace, chop for nine days

Huntian Emperor Capital.

A supreme quasi emperor rose to the sky.

The endless divine glory dissipated, sweeping the world!

There are more than twenty quasi-emperor powerhouses, including three quasi-emperor powerhouses including Kunhu ancestor, extreme life swordsman, and Lingxuan ancestor.


The breath of many powerful men escaped, and the entire void was boiling like an ocean.

The emperor collapsed, the mountains and rivers collapsed!

A touch of regret flashed in the eyes of Prince Huntian. After this battle, even if the Emperor Huntian wins, the vitality of the entire Emperor Huntian will be greatly injured.

From the beginning of the war to the present, I don't know how many creatures of the Emperor Huntian Dynasty have died!

"As long as you can't kill the dynasty, all this is worth it!"

However, the regret in Prince Huntian's eyes quickly disappeared and turned into apathy.

As long as this battle is won and the Emperor Huntian swallows the imperial dynasty, he will be able to make up for the current loss!

Thinking of this, Prince Huntian quickly looked towards the sky.

After being successively blocked by thirty quasi-emperors and besieging Lu Dongbin by the powerhouses of the imperial dynasty, fewer than thirty quasi-emperors were left.

The Prince Huntian did not worry at all. Among the many quasi-emperors, there were three powerhouses in the extreme realm of the quasi-emperor. This is the strongest background of the Huntian Emperor!


The icy sword light swept the Quartet with endless killings.

"Huh! Good sword intent, good come!"

The Extreme Sword Sovereign holding a divine sword, drew awe-inspiringly, and the whole person was full of fighting spirit.

Between swordsmen, there must be induction!

After seeing Lu Dongbin, the strongest swordsman in the Huntian Emperor Dynasty could not help but see Lie Xinxi.

"Black Dragon Yintian!"

Extreme Life Sword Sovereign stepped up in the air, his momentum reaching the extreme.


With a shocking dragon chant, the Extreme Sword Master seemed to transform into a huge black dragon.

Pieces of tight scales, flowing through this ancient **** pattern, reflect the cold light!

Holding the sky for hundreds of millions of miles, the dragon scales are so impressive!

A sword turns a dragon!

This is the spirit transformation sword art practiced by the Supreme Sword Sovereign, whose intention is to transform into the gods and beasts of the heavens.

It is said that if you practice to the extreme, you can transform into any creature in the heavens and all realms!

This sword art was created by an emperor of swordsmanship and was acquired by the Supreme Sword Sovereign. After tens of millions of years of painstaking practice, he entered the realm and ruled the east.

"Cracking gold and falling down, Fa!"

Kunhu ancestor gave a long roar, and countless sharp golden profits surged.

Then, under the guidance of a peculiar force, it instantly turned into a tiger that admired the sky and howled, and mountains that reached ten thousand feet high.

The tiger roared and jumped down the mountain, the mountain roared up to the sky!

The tiger descends from the sacred mountain, Wanyue soars into the sky!


The densely packed mountains, transformed by the aura of sharp gold, almost covered the entire sky!


The ancestor of Lingxuan stared at him, and his body was erupting like a million volcanoes.

The qi and blood swept across the sky, bursting with a terrifying aura that shook the world!

Ling Xuan demon monkey, known for his qi and blood, fist dominates the sky!

Soon, the ancestor Lingxuan punched!


Endless energy and blood gathered into a punch, turned into a pillar of energy and blood, pierced through the void and went straight to the sky.

The three quasi-emperor extreme realm powerhouses showed at this moment that they are the domineering place of the quasi-emperor extreme realm powerhouse!

And followed by the full blow of more than twenty quasi emperors!

There is only one person at the point of these attacks.

Lu Dongbin!


Facing this terrifying blow, Lu Dongbin's expression remained unchanged, and he cut the air with a sword!

Thousands of sword lights, like chains of order gods, penetrate everything!

If the gods drink, push to the palace, chop for nine days!

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