Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2277: The plan of Emperor Huntian, the five elements rotate

Muling Valley.

In a palace.


In the center of the hall, a simple and unpretentious mirror was suspended in mid-air.

In the mirror, picture after picture flashed, reflecting the miserable condition of Huntian Emperor Capital in this small mirror.

Around the mirror, there is a strong man with a deep breath and a prison sitting cross-legged.

Or green light Yaokong, or sword light to cut the sky, or devilish energy...

Like a deity entrenched, among them are nine quasi emperors, messengers from various forces!

"Huntian Great Emperor's Shouyuan is nearing the end, and is about to fall. It is said that within these thousands of years!

Could it be that this great emperor has fallen? "

The fat Emperor Zhun of the Tongtianbao Pavilion said in his mouth.

It is said that there are still thousands of years of life, but who knows that this is only a rough figure.

No, it is not impossible that the Great Emperor Huntian has already fallen!

Otherwise, based on the current situation, it is impossible for Emperor Huntian to not appear!

The Emperor Huntian was destroyed. For the Emperor Huntian, that was to step on the face of the Emperor Huntian under his feet, constantly rubbing!

How important is the face of an imperial dynasty if it wants to be based on the heavens and the world?

In the Eastern Frontier of the ancient times, the various imperial dynasties attacked each other face to face, and even launched a war of dynasties.

Not to mention, the imperial capital of the Emperor Huntian Dynasty was destroyed, this is undoubtedly the face of Emperor Huntian.

If Emperor Huntian is still alive, how can he sit back and watch?

"Not necessarily, the emperor has fallen, has its own vision, and the vision of the same sadness between the world and the earth cannot be concealed by secret methods.

If the Great Emperor Huntian falls, your majesty will definitely be able to perceive it. "

The Zhun emperor of the Yao Kun clan shook his head.

The emperor falls, and all worlds are in sorrow!

What a vision for the fall of an emperor.

The strong in the entire eastern frontier can perceive the vision.

This vision cannot be concealed anyhow.

In the past hundred years, apart from the vision of the emperor Xuanye's fall and eruption, no emperor's demise has erupted.

In other words, the Emperor Huntian has not fallen!

"Then why Huntian Emperor didn't show up?"

The quasi-emperor Shen Ning.

If Emperor Huntian has not fallen yet, why doesn't this emperor show up?

"It is rumored that in the ancient times in the Eastern Frontier, there was a supreme named Lun Zhuan, who practiced a discipline called the Five Elements Lun Zhuan. The magical powers.

The supreme who practices this magical power can link Yin and Yang in this way, reverse reincarnation, and live again! "

At this time, the Supreme Elder of God's teaching of Tiandu suddenly said.

"Emperor Rotation? The Five Elements Rotation Da. Dharma!"

The quasi-emperors were taken aback first, and then their pupils shrank.

"Elder Huo meant...?"

The fat Emperor Zhun of Tongtian Baoge hesitated for a moment, and then asked.

"As you think, this magical power of the Great Rotator is said to have been acquired by the Great Emperor Huntian."

Said the Supreme Elder of the God of Heaven.

The meaning of the words, all the quasi-emperors were all stunned.

The Great Emperor Huntian must use this magical power to live his life again!

"That's it!"

There was a sudden flash in the eyes of many quasi emperors.

At this time, they finally understood why the supreme behind them would sit back and watch the war between the Emperor and the Emperor Huntian without any intention of intervening.

This is the reason!

Not only was it to explore the background of these two forces, but also to use the hands of the Buluo Dynasty to force the Emperor Huntian out.

To break the plan of Emperor Huntian and want to live his life again!

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