Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2295: Many quasi emperors look down on


The terrifying storm continued to spread in the void.

There are endless ripples around, like a crack in the sky, for a while, the vast mountains and rivers trembled, and the world was pale.

At this moment, a powerful force broke out, beyond everyone's imagination!

The golden torrent of fists and the white and sharp edges collided with each other, stalemate in the void.

Two forces shattered the endless void.

The shocking cracks shrouded everything around, extremely shocked!


The messengers of many big forces, as well as the casual cultivators in the eastern frontier, have left the Huntian Great World, but are still affected by the aftermath.


Many strong men were directly overturned and coughed up blood continuously.

The aftermath alone has severely injured them and almost fell!

"If the emperor does not fall, he can stand up against Emperor Huntian!"

"This emperor is not at the realm of quasi-emperor, and it can be undefeated against Emperor Huntian. What a monster!"

"The legend says that the three spirits, spirits and gods have cultivated to the extreme realm of the quasi emperor, comparable to the supreme emperor!

Without falling to the emperor, he has cultivated into the three extreme realms? "

Many powerful people used their magic power to suppress their own injuries, watching the battlefield from a distance, and their eyes were shocked.

The aftermath of the fight between the two alone is so terrifying, enough to seriously injure a dozen quasi-emperor powerhouses. One can imagine how terrifying the center of the two fights.

At this time, many quasi-emperors believed that Qin Yi could compete with Emperor Huntian!

However, after believing, what came out was an incredible feeling.

This is the emperor!

Looking at the entire eastern frontier, it is also the existence at the top, a big figure who never sees the end of the dragon.

Even though some big clans and religious cults retain the title of big clans cults, in fact their emperors have long since fallen.

Since he can survive on the imperial weapon, he can regain his reputation after nurturing an emperor!

Either force, as long as an emperor is born, can leap to become the top power in the Eastern Frontier.

Just like the Emperor Huntian, the demon Kun clan became the overlord of the eastern frontier!

Any emperor, as long as he is willing, can establish a big clan, or in other words, he himself is a big clan, a religious religion, and an emperor!

Such existence was blocked by Qin Yi with his own power?

"If the emperor does not fall, he can fight against the emperor Huntian. Isn't the Emperor Huntian a disadvantage in this battle?

Is it possible that Emperor Huntian is about to lose? "

The Supreme Elder of Tiandu God's Cult, his expression condensed, and said uncertainly.

If Qin Yidu was able to oppose the Great Emperor Huntian, plus the existence of the Great Sage Qitian behind the Buluo Dynasty.

The Emperor Huntian was at a disadvantage instead!

"No, it's impossible. The Great Emperor Huntian is no ordinary supreme, even among the emperors, he is not weak!

Even if the Emperor Fuluo has cultivated into the three extreme realms, he can at best match the supreme of the first realm of the emperor, and the Emperor Huntian is the supreme of the second realm of the emperor! "

The fat Emperor Zhun of Tongtian Baoge shook his head.

The gap between the quasi emperor and the emperor is like heaven and earth!

Not to mention other things, the emperor’s understanding of the law alone is enough to crush the quasi-emperor and make the quasi-emperor’s law invalid!

The quasi-emperor can only compete with the emperor slightly if he cultivates into the ‘primitive emperor rule’.

Moreover, the emperor condenses the original world, its strength is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

The quasi-emperor and the strong can only reluctantly compete with the emperor if he reaches the three extreme states. Of course, this is only a short-term contend.

Not to mention, the emperors of the second realm of emperors are not weak among the emperors.

In his opinion, Qin Yi is definitely not an opponent of Emperor Huntian!

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