Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2470: The arrogance of the Great Emperor


A huge ding sound shocked the great world of Taichu.

Countless strong people were surprised, and quickly looked at the world in the depths of the Great World of the Beginning, and couldn't help being taken aback.

I saw that countless dragon-like spirits, Changhong, in the world diplomatic exchange, turned into a furnace in a blink of an eye!

The furnace is big, and the world on that side is contained in it!

Take the world in one furnace!

Xianhui dissipated, stretched in an infinite space, illuminating the emptiness.


The furnace tripod turned slightly, and huge fluctuations swept across the square.

This is the strongest aura that calms the heavens and shatters the chaos!

As far as the aftermath came, the secret world attached to the great world of the primordial beginning was instantly shattered into nothingness.

The world is broken, the laws roar!

The entire Great Beginning World was shaken by this wave, as if to be overturned, like countless volcanoes erupting at the same time.

Centered on the imperial capital in the early days of the primordial period, it was a vast expanse of millions of miles, constantly trembling.

In a moment, the dust was everywhere.

The mountains that stand for thousands of miles are broken and collapsed!

Thousands of miles of void was stirred, and hundreds of thousands of miles of smoke were expelled!

If it were not for the suppression of a large array, I am afraid that the capital of the early days would be shattered by this fluctuation!

"How is this going?"

"This is not His Royal Highness, no, the emperor's artifact?"

"Can anyone tell me what happened?"

In the great world at the beginning, countless strong people were all shocked.

Everyone also recognized the identity of this furnace tripod, which was the imperial weapon held by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

But no one knows what happened.

Why does His Royal Highness use this imperial weapon?

Everyone looked blank.

"Ah, perhaps, His Royal Highness is discussing with His Majesty.

His Majesty has just stepped into the emperor realm, and it is inevitable that his heart is arrogant. Your Majesty should be teaching His Royal Highness."

The high-ranking Prime Minister Jiang coughed.

"That's it."

Hearing this, everyone was dumb.

With the personality of the prince, it is really possible to confront your majesty.

If it were in the past, when the prince had not become an emperor, his temperament had been somewhat restrained, and he would not dare to confront his majesty.

The prince has already broken through the emperor, and it is not impossible to confront your majesty!


The brain is very reasonable.


At this moment, everyone was silent.

If so, this matter is not something they can criticize.

In any case, His Royal Highness has already stepped into the emperor realm, and he is the supreme supreme who overlooks Eastern Xinjiang.

Those who criticize the emperor, this is a taboo!

Everyone also lost interest and turned to suppress the fluctuations emanating from the Eternal Immortal Furnace.


Inside the eternal fairy furnace.

Qin Yi stepped into the void, his eyes swept away, and stared at the Emperor Taichu indifferently.

Sui Jian, calm and indifferent, with indescribable domineering, and a smile that is not a smile!

As if everything is in its hands!


The Great Emperor glanced at the Eternal Immortal Furnace and smiled faintly.

This imperial instrument, no matter how many times I have seen it, made him extremely amazed.

Among them, the immortal light contained in it, and the high nature of the power, made him very frightened.

After careful inspection, he was even more sure that this imperial weapon was an intermediate-level or higher imperial weapon!


No matter how good the weapon is, the user is too weak, but it is just like a spear in a child, no matter how sharp it is, it cannot hurt a tall and strong adult.

In his eyes, Qin Yi is like a child holding a spear, even a baby!

The gap between the first state of the emperor and the third state of the emperor is not so easy to make up!

This is his confidence!

An invincible emperor in the world, pride in his heart!

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