Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2479: Nine Heavens, the news leaked

Main hall.

An unimaginable breath filled the hall.

With this breath, Chen Huaian was anxious all over!

He didn't even dare to lift his head by half!

The cold sweat wet his back, and beads of sweat slid down his sideburns and fell on the cold ground.

"Da da da!"

Inside the hall, the drop of needles can be heard, only the sound of a low drum beat.

It was two figures sitting tall, one of whom was knocking on the handrail, making a crisp sound.

"There is'Nine Heavens Immortal Qi' in the Buluo Dynasty. Is this news true?"

At this time, this one spoke suddenly.

The remote voice wafted and shook the endless space, making Chen Huai'an agitated.

"Return to the great emperor, the villain has seen this with his own eyes, there will never be any falsehood, the villain once intercepted a ray of escaping breath, the great emperor knew it at a glance."

Chen Huai'an trembled and said quickly.

As he said, he carefully took out a hazy breath from the space ring.

In this ray of breath, there seems to be colorful divine radiance, and it is like nine-color glazed light, which contains infinite mysteries.

Jiu Er, Shenhui rotates, if it has evolved a vast world!


Seeing this breath, the voice that had been calm, finally had ups and downs.


Where Chen Huai'an dared not look, Qin Yi stretched out his hand and the breath flew straight into his hands.

At this time, his expression was extremely strange looking at the breath in his hand.

He was originally wondering how this kind of news came out, but when he saw it at this time, he suddenly realized it.

Isn't this the ray of immortality that Qin Renjun revealed when the little guy was born?

On the day Qin Renjun was born, a ray of immortal energy leaked, shaking the entire Tianyao continent, and even Qin Yi did not suppress it.

However, Qin Yi was too happy at the time and didn't care, but ordered Tingfengwei to block the news.

As a result, the news still spread.

"How important is the'Nine Heavens Immortal Qi', if you let all the forces in the Eastern Frontier know it, you will inevitably have trouble."

Qin Yi's eyes sank.

How great is the attraction of Nine Heavens Immortal Qi.

Qin Yi knows best!

This is the Nine Heavens Immortal Qi, the legendary power that constitutes the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm.

A kind of supreme power that is of great benefit to the emperor, among the heavens and all realms, there are few powers that can match it.

In terms of the power contained, the Nine Heavens Immortal Qi is thousands of times more than the Chaos Essence!

If an emperor refines a ray of Nine Heavens Immortal Qi, he can save at least one or even several epochs of penance.

If many emperors in the eastern frontier know that no emperor can not be jealous!

Even though, because of the fetal protection pills, most of the "Nine Heavens Immortal Qi" was absorbed by Qin Renjun, and the leaked "Nine Heavens Immortal Qi" was diluted countless times.

Many emperors will hear the wind and move, right?

This made Qin Yi a headache!

This is not a vague threat, but a real benefit.

Even some emperors who have no grudges with the Buluo Dynasty will take action because of this'Nine Heavens Immortal Qi'.

Even with Bai Yuanchu on the side, Qin Yi could feel him tempted.

If an existence trapped at the peak of the three realms of the emperor at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, if he could obtain a ray of ‘Nine Heavens Immortal Qi’, he would be able to break through the pass and advance to the next level!

If Bai Yuanchu had not surrendered to Qin Yi, I am afraid he would be moved by Chen Huai'an, right?

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