Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2502: The minister thought he should not fight

On the boundless.

Long Ge Lin Li, fierce banners!

Countless long flags rustled in the strong wind.

A human soldier with firm eyes and armor, like a tiger and wolf, holding a soldier, exuding a cold and solemn atmosphere.

The Black Armored Cavalry, Shaking Mountain Guard, Bingzhou Wolf Cavalier, Daqin Iron Cavalry... are all listed.


Ghosts are all over the sky, and the gods are crying and howling.

Countless soldiers lingering in the spirit of ghosts, standing leaning on the spear, so angry, like ghosts from Jiuyou.

This is the Kingdom of Buluo, one of the top legions, the ghost army!


The roar greeted the sky, and the demonic spirit was permeated.

A huge, surging demon clan powerhouse stood beside the ghost army.

These are the legions formed by the major monster races under the rule of the Buluo Dynasty.

Some of the members are from the Tianyao Continent, some are from the Huntian World, and some are from other worlds.

This army is called the Huntian Army!

The Red Sun God Monkey family, under the leadership of Xiaojin, was among them.

The most conspicuous is the monster clan powerhouse wearing a scarlet armor with a sea of ​​blood in his eyes.

Everyone's cultivation base is above the Eclosion Realm!

A big flag, standing behind them, wrote:


Do not fall into the army, Han Xin's direct army, the army of soldiers.

Originally, even if there were Bingxian exercises, it would take at least three months for the Bingxian Army to take shape.

However, under Han Xin's strong personal ability, the Bingxian Army was formed within one month!

Han Xin also took into account the training of the Huntian Army!

What is Bingxian?

The immortal of soldiers is the immortal of soldiers.

On the way to the military road, whether it is marching or fighting or training a new army, Han Xin can lift heavy weight.

Moreover, Han Xin's original world is the military world, which is a great blessing for training the new army!

The formation of the Bingxian Army in January is also reasonable.

"I, please fight!"

One side belonged to the soldiers who did not fall, roaring and roaring.

Shocked for nine days!

Under the mighty army of Huang Huang, countless souls trembled.

A strong man in Eastern Xinjiang from all over the world can only try to hide himself under such pressure.

It is not a wonderful thing to think of if you anger these crazy soldiers.


Amidst countless roars, a loud voice, as loud as the sound of the sky, suddenly spread from the Huntian Temple and blasted thousands of miles away.

With the sound of the sound, a breath that was strong for nine days also came under pressure!

In an instant, the roars of the soldiers ceased instantly!

Just like a big hand, pressing down the roar of a soldier who will not fall.

It was extremely noisy and quiet, and it only took less than a breath, and the roar of the sky was suppressed.

With a word, the world is quiet!


Upon seeing this scene, the strongmen of Eastern Xinjiang all shrank their pupils and felt chills in their hearts.

Just by opening your mouth, thousands of soldiers can calm down instantly. This is no longer a ban, it can be described in four words!

What a terrifying prestige is needed!

At the same time, it can also show from the side the elite level of this army.

If encountered on the battlefield, it will be a nightmare for countless people.

Looking back to the Huntian Hall, there was silence in the hall, and the needles fell.

Many ministers who did not fall, looked at the dragon chair and spoke indifferently.

Before, it was Qin Yi who spoke.

"Kong Ming, what do you think the enemies are invading?"

Qin Yi's eyes fell on Zhuge Liang's body.

Zhuge Liang, the number one adviser through the ages, in the current imperial imperial dynasty, no one can match his plan for war.

Therefore, Qin Yi was the first to ask Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang stepped out, bowed to Qin Yi, and said solemnly:

"The minister thought that I shouldn't fight if I don't fall in this battle!"

This statement came out.

Quiet in the hall!

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