Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2510: I won't fall

On the sky.

The air blows into the sky, and the cold light shines on Kyushu.

Terrible murderous intent is permeating the world, and the soldiers who do not fall for hundreds of thousands of miles in the sky make people shudder!

Holding swords and shields and soldiers in hand, standing solemnly, the momentum can be overwhelming.

The suffocating anger in the sky, like a cloud covering the entire Huntian world.

Han Xin looked at this huge number of soldiers, his eyes seemed to have a fierce fighting spirit, as if a flame was burning.

The old saying goes.

Han Xin orders soldiers, the more the better.

As long as there are enough soldiers under his command, Han Xin is confident that even the immortals in the sky, the demon **** of Nine Nethers, can kill with one force!

Moreover, this battle is the first battle since his birth.

He will never allow any mistakes!

In this battle, when burying the invincible enemy, kill the enemy!


The sword from his waist suddenly unsheathed, pointing to the chaos beyond the sky.


Han Xin's words are concise and concise, and the sound is like a golden ring, shaking people's hearts!

After all, pull the reins and ride the horse into the air to board the battleship.


Lü Bu gave a low yell and took the lead, leading a million wolves to ride on a warship that never fell.

Generals such as Huo Qubing and Zhao Yun led their subordinates into the battleship.

Tens of thousands of soldiers filed out.


A sound like the explosion of billions of thunder, blasted the world.

The immortal battleships that dominate the heavens, like a awake behemoth, bloom infinitely brilliant.

The domineering meaning escaping from the battleship is not to be said to be earth-shattering and vast!

The vast coercion is like a deep and like a prison, and the surrounding void is thick as water, and the depressed breath fills the world.


The many powerhouses in the Huntian Great World, whether it is a sage or a quasi-emperor, all breathed.

All panicked!

Warships, magnificent and majestic shores, suppressed the endless void around them.

With a slight shock, it is as if the entire Huntian world will be shattered!

"This is a non-falling warship that the Buluo Dynasty uses the treasure ship named Zhengtian in the hands of the Buluo emperor as a template and consumes countless treasures.

It is said that each ship is comparable to a high-level sacred artifact and can easily kill an ancient saint! "

There are quasi-emperor powerhouses, and they recognize at a glance that this is a non-falling warship that appeared during the expedition of the Buluo Dynasty and the Huntian Emperor.

However, the number of non-falling warships has soared from ten to more than two hundred!

This is within a month, mobilizing the resources of the entire Huntian Great World to add so many warships.

"One ship can kill Old Sage, there are two hundred ships here!"

Countless strong East Xinjiang shocked inexplicably.

Even an ancient quasi emperor was discolored by it.

Do not fall the dynasty, it is too strong!

In just one month, his strength has undergone earth-shaking changes, skyrocketing many times!


Every non-falling warship is like a giant beast traversing between the sky and the earth, which can suppress the sky in a flash.

Thousands of non-falling warships exude a terrifying aura that can crush everything!

This breath is extremely terrifying, even if an emperor who has just become an emperor stands in front of thousands of warships, he will be seriously injured.

Such an army is like a **** like a devil!


The void trembles, and the sky is rippling with layers of ripples.

Thousands of non-falling warships easily tore open the space barriers, flying into the chaos outside the territory under the gaze of countless powerful men.

The war will begin.

This time, Buluo Dynasty faced more than a dozen top forces such as the Emperor Zhenhuang, and more than 30 emperors.

No one knows how this battle will end.

Of course.

There is only one belief in the hearts of tens of thousands of soldiers.

I won't fall!

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