Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2530: The demon world fell, the wailing of the demon clan


The figures of Qin Yi and the demon emperor became more and more blurred.

Seeing that Qin Yi was about to take the demon emperor to leave, the expression of'Emperor Zhenhuang' became more and more indifferent.


'Emperor Zhenhuang' shouted angrily and pressed his right hand into the void.


That layer of invisible barriers could no longer bear, and was immediately broken.

Unfortunately, everything is too late.

Qin Yi had already disappeared in place with the demon emperor.

The dazzling flame beam fell in the air.


It was like a round of great sun falling, across the heavens, shining eternal glory, vast power surged wildly.

The endless flames fall, shaking the heavens forever!


The towering mountains were instantly vaporized, the earth moved and the mountains shook, and everything around them was broken.

From the area where the beam of light fell, the ripples of destruction spread for hundreds of millions of miles at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Like a giant beast, devouring everything in the world!

The whole demon world trembled violently, and then, there was an unbearable whine.

The next moment, collapse!

The demon world is broken!

"No, no, why, why is this happening!"

"I don't want to die, save me!"

"Ah, help!"

A sorrowful wailing, one after another.

In the demon world, a scene of purgatory, countless creatures fell in an instant, desperately trying to escape.

But in such a world-destroying disaster, everyone is as weak as an ant.

Only strong people above the ancient sage have the ability to protect themselves, and the quasi emperor has the strength to protect others.

However, how many quasi emperors are there in the demon world?

After Qin Yi's massacre, all the quasi emperors of the demon clan were killed, and only some quasi emperors of the demon clan survived.

Very few.

How many people can these quasi-emperors protect?

What's more, these quasi-emperors were too busy to take care of themselves, and were busy running away from the devil world one by one.

At that moment, at least a trillion creatures in the demon world had fallen!

The emperor strikes, all beings fall!

At this moment, countless strong men understood the origin of this statement, and where did the emperor's supreme status come from!

This is the reason!

A single blow can destroy the demon world, which is comparable to the mid-thousand world, almost sinking the demon world.

Even if the demon world is not sinking at this moment, it is just lingering, and it will fall shortly afterwards.

Aside from the fiery creatures in the Demon Realm, he returned to the real Phoenix World.


The violent momentum is like a raging ocean.

Like an ancient god, awakening from a deep sleep, and like a king of the heavens, looking down on the common people.

Hundreds of millions of divine lights fell from the sky, like a waterfall!

The majesty of the emperor shakes the universe and suppresses the universe.

The sky full of flames rolled up a turbulent storm, like the anger of'Emperor Zhenhuang', shaking the earth and sweeping the sky.

The countless creatures in the demon world all changed drastically, and even the emperors were anxious.

Some weak emperors, under this coercion, only felt that there was a feeling of hanging upside down!

In the heart, it is like pressing a huge rock!

The wrath of the true phoenix, the emperor is also afraid!

The emperor is still like this, not to mention the other creatures in the real phoenix world, they have long since fallen to the ground.

Between heaven and earth, there was silence.

Only the figure that supports the sky and the earth, standing in the middle of the world, stepped on the boundless foot and carried the sky.

His eyes, as big as the sun, are full of anger!

Any creature that looks at it will only feel the cold from the heart, and the soul is filled with murder!

Overwhelming fury!

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