Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2532: For your waiting, cast a good tomb

"Follow your majesty's will!"

Countless True Phoenix soldiers rose up into the sky and promised.


Warships are also emerging, shaking the sun and the moon.

Those huge warships, like a square continent, lay between the sky and the earth, covering all directions.

Looking carefully, there are tens of thousands of warships in the sky!

Lined up, covering the entire sky of light.

Each one is comparable to a sacred weapon, and there are even warships comparable to a quasi-imperial weapon, floating in the void and suppressing the world!

Many emperors looked at the sky and couldn't help but be surprised.

So many warships are launched together, and even the emperor must avoid their sharp edges.

Not to mention, the heroes of the Zhenhuang Emperor dynasty on the battleship were full of fierce energy and blood.

This is the bottom line of the Zhenhuang Emperor!

The Emperor Zhenhuang was high above the eastern frontier, ranking first among the strongest in the eastern frontier for several epochs, and the Emperor Zhenhuang dynasty was also the first power in the eastern frontier for several epochs.

At this moment, all the emperors showed up all together, so that many emperors were also shocked.


The figure of'Emperor Zhenhuang' has returned to the size of an ordinary person.

With red hair hanging down his shoulders, eyes like bright stars, and the endless True Phoenix and Divine Fire lingering all over his body, like a round of vast sun.

Although the body is restored to the size of an ordinary person, the momentum is better than before!

"The Emperor Buluo Dynasty has repeatedly violated the prohibition and the sins are serious. This emperor has issued an edict in the name of the True Phoenix, and the Emperor of the True Phoenix cannot be destroyed!

All beings on the Tianyao Continent should be blamed for the same sins! "

'Emperor Zhenhuang' spoke again, sounding like billions of thunder bursts at the same time, roaring the world.

It doesn't matter if he is humiliated, but the name of "True Phoenix" must not be humiliated!

This is the name of his father!

Right now, in the name of'True Phoenix', he made two shots, but missed Qin Yi twice, which has already covered the name of'True Phoenix'.

What about glory?

Only with the blood of hundreds of millions of creatures can the dust be wiped away!

"Dang Zhu!"

"Dang Zhu!"

"Dang Zhu!"

Countless True Phoenix soldiers shouted in unison, and the meaning of Jin Ge's killing filled the void and resounded throughout the world.

Strong soldiers, fighting spirit!

The terrifying aura of killing and cutting filled the universe, shaking the sun and the moon.

Even outside the real phoenix great world, the powerhouses in the square world heard the sky-shaking roar and couldn't help but look sideways.

The many emperors in the real phoenix world were also shocked.

This time, the killing intent of'Emperor Zhenhuang' was so strong that they also exceeded their expectations.

Only by killing countless creatures in the Tianyao Continent can the anger in the heart of'Emperor Zhenhuang' be vented.

However, this is also good, the Emperor Zhenhuang Dynasty and the Emperor Buluo Dynasty are endlessly dying, and they can only draw chestnuts from the fire.

In this war, seek the advantage!

Many emperors couldn't help but smile upon thinking of this.

It's just that no one noticed that among the many emperors, the silver-haired ‘Eternal Emperor’ was silent.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and the cold light under his eyes almost overflowed!

A group of thieves, you have a good abacus, wolfish ambitions, vainly attempting to invade my territory.

What if you are a treacherous villain who deceives me?

Shameless villain, humiliate me, what should I do?

What if the thief is young and keeps me under pressure?

One word, only killer!

"Well, I'm just in front of the Great World, waiting for you to cast a tomb for you!"

Qin Yi's eyes were frosty, with a cold killing intent.

I hope you will like that grave!

I will be able to kill all the people who despise me in front of the big world, and warn the world with the blood of yours.

I can't be humiliated!

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