Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2537: The gathering of the four places is shocking

The azure blue world turns slowly, like a gem.

This is one side in a thousand worlds.

On weekdays, this world called the Azure Realm is the center of the Chaos Dao within a radius of a million.

Countless strong people gathered here!

However, at this moment, the powerhouses in this realm, whether they are the ancient sages or the quasi-emperors, are trembling, and the atmosphere does not dare to take a breath.

The gaze looking at the sky is full of horror.

An ancient warship that is horizontal and horizontal for thousands of miles, suspended outside the chaos, or if the stars are hanging, or like a divine bird spreading its wings, or like a cross-flowing sea...

These warships were held quietly outside the azure blue realm, motionless, but like ferocious behemoths, waiting for food.

The warship shook slightly, and even roared like a giant beast.

The chaos of the Quartet blew up the turbulent waves, causing endless ripples.

The battleship turned out, and the beast screamed!

Countless soldiers wearing various armors stood on the battleship, standing still, exuding ferocity.

Any strong man close to the warship will be attacked by violent storms.

"Star Emperor Dynasty."

"The Sky Swallow Clan."

"Canglan Pavilion."


Counting and counting, the many powerhouses in the azure blue realm turned pale as snow.

The army of the top forces in the Quartet all gathered in front of the Azure Realm.

This is an army from the top forces in the Quartet!

It wasn't the Luobei realm, the azure blue realm, these little powers that were not well-known, but the top powers at the top of Dongjian.

Every power needs to look up to the Azure Realm!

Not to mention, the four parties gather!

This is a huge army capable of sweeping Eastern Xinjiang!

Even if it's just floating quietly in the chaos, the breath of the stormy sea is falling down.


The world trembled, the law roared!

In the sky, a series of terrifying cracks were instantly torn out, covering the entire sky, completely dark.

Even the rays of the scorching sun in the sky also shade.

Strands of violent chaos aura fell along the cracks, sinking mountains and reversing rivers and lakes.

In the eyes of countless creatures in the azure blue realm, a strong man who usually stands above the other, one after another panic.

I can't help them not panic!

An army outside the chaos, if one walks out at will, it can crush them dozens, or even hundreds of times.

Even many powerful men have never seen elite legions of top forces such as the Star Empire in their entire lives.

Even the azure blue world master with the highest cultivation level present, at this moment, his heart was filled with a sense of horror.

When the army of the Star Empire appeared, he could still remain calm.

However, when the Celestial Swallowing Clan and Canglan Pavilion's army came one after another, he could no longer remain calm!

No matter how sluggish the nerves are, they all understand that in the Eastern Frontier, earth-shattering events will happen.

Do not.

It should be an earth-shattering battle!

The Star Emperor Dynasty and other top forces in the Quartet, mobilizing the elite army under its command, have nothing but one purpose.

That is killing!

"Wait, it is said that Emperor Zhenhuang did not give an order to summon many emperors in the eastern border to discuss matters in the great world of Zhenhuang.

The Emperor Xingchen and several other emperors seem to be..."

The Azure Blue Realm Master suddenly remembered a news that he had just received not long ago, and trembled all over.

In other words.

What I saw before my eyes was that the legions of the top forces in the Quartet were probably only part of the army that was about to join the war this time.

"Could it be that Emperor Zhenhuang is about to go to war?"

The Azure Master murmured in a dreamlike voice.

If this news spreads out, the eastern frontier will probably set off endless storms.


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