Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2542: Like a broken bamboo, the army is coming

"Emperor Zhenhuang summoned all the emperors of the Eastern Frontiers to attack, and he was a little too cautious. It was tantamount to a cannon hitting mosquitoes."

The quasi-emperor powerhouse of Cangqing sect exclaimed.

In his opinion, the Emperor Zhenhuang dynasty alone was enough to suppress the imperial dynasty, and there was no need for such a big fanfare.

‘Maybe, Emperor Zhenhuang still has deeper plans, such as showing his own power and frightening the Quartet.

Even, use this to beat the forces of other realms! ’

The quasi-emperor powerhouse of Cangqing Divine Sect quickly figured out the purpose of the Zhenhuang Emperor.

In other words, in his view, the purpose of Emperor Zhenhuang.

The Buluo Dynasty is said to be established by the people of the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Dynasty, which means that the powerhouses of other realms have set their sights on the eastern borders.

The Eastern Frontier, in a sense, was the territory of Emperor Zhenhuang.

The fierce tiger lives in the mountains and forests, but still needs the long howling mountains and forests to show its majesty!

In his opinion, the reason why Emperor Zhenhuang was so aggressive and summoning the emperors of Eastern Xinjiang must have such a plan.

Frighten the forces of other realms!

"Unfortunately, Buluo Dynasty obviously has the opportunity to become the number one power in Eastern Xinjiang, set foot on the top of Eastern Xinjiang, and command the eastern boundary."

This powerful quasi-emperor shook his head and sighed, also sighing for the imperial court.

With the potential shown by the Buluo Dynasty, if there is another era, it can't be said that it can replace the Zhenhuang Dynasty.

It's a pity that all this is just if.

"Buluo Dynasty is too arrogant and deserves such a disaster."

"Yes, as long as the arrogant and domineering generations are destined to end in no time, after this battle, Dongjiang will not fail!"

"It's a pity that the many forces that surrendered to the imperial dynasty early, thought they could rise by the wind, but caused such a big disaster."

The powerhouses from all quarters spoke with you, jokingly, looking at the surrounding powerhouses who surrendered to the imperial dynasty.

Every time they said, the many strong men who surrendered to the dynasty turned pale.

Even if I want to refute, I don't know where to start.

Most of the people present are strong above the saints, and they have already made a decision in their hearts regarding the current situation.

Even if you don't want to believe it, the facts are in front of you!

Some powerhouses even raised the idea of ​​defecting, and made up their minds to surrender decisively when the forces of the Star Emperor Dynasty and other forces came.

After all, the Buluo Dynasty is the Buluo Dynasty, they are them, and they are not the direct line of the Buluo Dynasty, so why bother to die for the Buluo Dynasty?

Those who know the current affairs are handsome!

Under the circumstance that the imperial dynasty must be defeated, why should they run for the imperial dynasty?

When many powerful people were communicating, the army of the Star Emperor Dynasty and other forces had already come to the sphere of influence of the Buluo Dynasty.

The army covering the sky and the sun is filled with a million miles of chaos!

The army is overwhelming, and the storm is about to come!

Wherever he went, the many forces in the world that originally surrendered to the imperial dynasty, heard the wind and fell.

Along the way, the army of the Star Emperor Dynasty and other forces did not receive any effective obstruction!

Long drive straight ahead, like a broken bamboo!

Until the Star Emperor Dynasty and other forces, deep into the sphere of influence of the Buluo Dynasty, hundreds of thousands of Chaos Dao.

Finally, one of the forces chose to resist, unwilling to betray the imperial dynasty.

This world is called Wanbao World.

An important branch opened up by the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce is guarded by 30,000 wolves.

With the arrival of the army of the Star Empire, the war will begin!

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