Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2558: Power as a mountain, overwhelming the sun and the moon


Roar like thunder.

Lu Bu fought against the quasi-emperors such as Zhanlan Realm Lord, and one person stably controlled more than twenty quasi-emperors.

At this time, Lu Bu was once again successfully attacked by a quasi-emperor of Takong Sect.

This quasi-emperor practiced in the void together, stepped out of the void, appeared behind Lu Bu silently, and pierced out with a sword.

Lu Bu seemed to be aware of it, and he avoided the key parts dangerously and dangerously. However, this sword also cut off Lu Bu's left arm!

Originally, this quasi-emperor of the Takong Cult had done his best and almost killed Lu Bu's life.

However, the quasi-emperor of the Takong Cult underestimated Lu Bu's determination.


Lu Bu's eyes were red, his blood surged, and his left arm grew out in an instant.

Rebirth from a severed limb!

When he reached the realm of Emperor Zhun, his arm was cut off, it was no longer a fatal injury, and he could recover in a blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Bu grabbed the quasi-emperor of Takong Sect, with a backhand, beheaded the quasi-emperor of Takong Sect on the spot.


The blood was sprayed, and the head of the emperor Takong was flying high.

There was also a touch of stunned and unbelievable expressions in his eyes, and he had never expected Lu Bu to be so decisive.

Although he was beheaded, he has not yet died on the spot.

However, the ensuing iron-blooded evil spirit and terrifying halberd light drowned it like a wave.

Then, kill the town on the spot!

Takong teaches Zhundi, die!

This is the second quasi-emperor who has fallen since the start of the war. If you count Yancang quasi-emperor, it is already the third quasi-emperor who has died in Lu Bu's hands.

The strong, such as the Azure Realm Master, could no longer remain calm.

If we say that Emperor Zhun Yan's fall was due to Lu Bu's sneak attack, as well as Emperor Zhun Yan's intentions.

The fall of another unknown emperor was because of their carelessness.

Then, the fall of Emperor Takong teaches Zhundi, but it has sounded a big alarm for the Azure Master and others.

"Fight again!"

Everyone is still shocked, Lu Bu has attacked and killed again.

Fang Tian's painting of the halberd was raised upside down, and the brilliant gold bloomed, and the fighting spirit was fierce.

Don't you want to besiege Benhou?

Then fight!

Come on, let's see if the prince killed you first, or you killed the prince right here!

"Master Hou!"

Ye Guhong and other soldiers who joined the state wolf cavalry were full of enthusiasm and wanted to fight alongside Lu Bu.

However, in front of them, the hazy figure gently shook his head and stopped Ye Guhong and the others.

Not to mention Ye Guhong and others are not qualified to intervene in this battle.

Lu Bu hasn't fallen into the most dangerous situation yet, and he hasn't pushed himself into a desperate situation!

Only in desperation can the greatest potential in the body be stimulated.

If you can break through the emperor realm, it won't be in vain that I personally come to protect you!

The shadow of the figure is deep, with a faint expectation in his eyes.

In the sky, the war continues.

Lu Bu's undaunted fear of death made many quasi emperors fearful.

But with the fall of Takong Jiao Zhun Emperor, many Zhun emperors finally became really angry.

"You guys don't want to keep your hands anymore, try your best to suppress this person, and don't give this person any more opportunities."

The voice of the azure blue realm master was chilly, like a cold wind.

If this person does not die, then they will die here!

"it is good!"

Many quasi emperors nodded and reached an agreement in an instant.


The violent power poured out from the hands of many quasi emperors, one after another, madly pouring towards Lu Bu.

It was like a sacred mountain of ancient times, thrown up by the ancient gods, and suppressed down with terrifying power.

As powerful as a mountain, overwhelming the sun and the moon!

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