Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2562: Blessed by the army, blood is like a god

Countless warships lined up in the sky.

Several emperors stood on the bow of the warship with their hands in their hands, their expressions dignified, and their spirits scanned the entire Wanbao World.

However, no matter what they do, no one has ever been found!

In Wanbao realm, there are only Lu Bu and five million Binzhou wolf riders.

The original creatures of the Wanbao Realm seemed to have fallen into the aftermath of the encounter between Lu Bu and the Azure Realm Master and others.

"No, that's not right, there are tens of thousands of creatures in the Wanbao Realm, how could they all die!"

The emperor Xingchen frowned and found something wrong.

Too clean to die!

Not one left!

The aftermath of Lu Bu's fight with the quasi-emperor, such as the Azure Realm Master, was terrifying, but it was far from the point where it could wipe out all the creatures in the Wanbao Realm.

Unless the entire world of Wanbao is destroyed and returned to chaos, it is possible to cause all living beings to fall.

"Sure enough, there are emperors who do not fall into the dynasty!"

The emperors such as Xingchen Great looked solemn, and their faces were jealous.

Do not fall to the side of the dynasty, except for the dragon of luck that has just set foot in the emperor realm, the other emperors should not be underestimated!

The combat power is at least comparable to the Second Realm of Emperor!

An emperor in the second realm hides in the dark, and the Star Emperor and others have to be cautious.

While the Star Emperor and other emperors were investigating, the battle in the world of Wanbao continued.


The flags cover the sun, and the sky is full of violent hurricanes.

The majestic qi and blood, mixed with surging evil qi, echoed in the void of thousands of miles, vibrating the universe of the sun and the moon.


Five people make up five people, one hundred people make something, one hundred people make a hundred, a thousand people make a thousand, ten thousand people can make an army!

Five million Binzhou wolves rode horizontally on the sky, and their breath was connected, and in silence, they rolled up an endless frenzy.

Who can stop the military front?

These soldiers were all elites selected by Lu Bu from all walks of life in the Tianyao Continent and even the imperial dynasty.

With the high requirements of the wolves of the Union State, five million soldiers were selected from the countless worlds and hundreds of millions of creatures.

With such a high elimination rate, one can imagine how elite the soldiers will be!

The worst cultivation is in the realm of emergence!

In the systematic evaluation, the current Bingzhou wolf cavalry has climbed to the Seven Star Legion, which is the same level as the Ghost Army and other legions.


A flag emerged from behind Lu Bu, attracting qi and blood.

The energy and blood of five million Bianzhou wolf riders rolled and poured into Lu Bu's body instantly, blessing himself.


The muscles and bones in the body continued to roar, bursting like thunder.

If a statue of Tianlong roared in the body, it sounded like a piece.

The golden-red blood on his head skyrocketed, dyeing the sky for hundreds of millions of miles into a vast golden red.

The air is stained with frost, bright and brilliant!

The way to kill in the army is to use the strength of the armies to bless oneself, so that the weak can overcome the strong and defeat the heroes of the heavens.

Under the blessing of endless energy and blood, Lu Bu's injuries were also suppressed, and he quickly returned to his peak.

Then, it moved to a higher level!

However, in the end it is the blood of five million soldiers, that is, the blood of at least five million powerful men.

Rao Yi Lu Bu's body was somewhat unsupported.

"Give it to Ben Hou!"

With a roar, Lu Bu burst into dazzling light, and his breath rose to an unimaginable realm.

Streaks of divine splendor shot, bones clanging, and flesh and blood trembling, as if reborn.

He has moved firmly towards the extreme state of Zhundi.

Even, it has reached the level of the emperor!

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