Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2565: I use this halberd to open the world

A big hand pressed against the sky, instantly covering the entire sky of Wanbao Realm.

I don't know how many miles of void!


The vast imperial qi is permeating, shaking the entire Wanbao realm, and even the chaos in the countless miles outside the Wanbao realm.

The strong will suppress the world and suppress everything.

At this moment, countless powerhouses were shocked and understood, this is an emperor's bold move!

"Hold the stars in your hand and press the stars in your palm. This is the emperor of the stars!"

Zhundi exclaimed.

Ordinary Eastern Frontiers, even quasi emperors, rarely witnessed the horror scenes of the emperor's personal action.

All hearts are shaken!

"I wonder if the parachutist of the imperial dynasty can stop the Great Star Emperor?"

"Emperor Xingchen is not a weak one among the emperors. It is said that he has already reached the peak of the second stage of the emperor and reached the third stage of the emperor."

"This parachutist, I'm afraid he is not an opponent."

Many strong Eastern Xinjiang people talked about it, and they were not optimistic about Lu Bu.

The Great Emperor Xingchen has been famous for a long time and enjoys a high reputation in the Eastern Frontier. Lu Bu is only able to contend against the emperor with the blessing of Bingzhou wolf ride.

Which is stronger and weaker, at a glance!


Everyone raised their eyes and looked at the huge palm that traversed the chaos, as if to hold the entire Wanbao realm into the palm of the hand.

With a gentle pressure, the supreme mighty power like chaos burst out instantly.

Enveloping the mighty power like the pressure of the world, the boundless sea of ​​stars, the boundless stars seem to be only between this palm!

"His Majesty!"

The emperor of the stars suddenly broke out with a shocking cry towards the soldiers on one side.

In their eyes, the Star Emperor is an invincible existence!

Pushing the invincible world, you must be called the emperor!

Any enemy who dares to resist cannot escape death.


Star Prince looked at the shot Emperor Xingchen, his face was full of awe and worship.

No matter how many times he watched it, such a mighty force made him very yearning, and one palm could smash the middle world.

Only with this kind of power can you be called the overlord in the eastern frontier!

And below that, they are all ants!


Lu Bu stared at the sky, his eyes moved, and his heart was extremely solemn.

Using the quasi-emperor to fight against the emperor is not as simple as imagined.

If a quasi emperor is able to contend with the emperor, it is enough to leave a strong mark in the history of Eastern Xinjiang, which will be remembered by later generations.

Even in the central realm where Tianjiao is born in large numbers, such enchanting evildoers are also the strongest Tianjiao!

The way to counter the emperor, generally speaking, only when the quasi emperor himself has cultivated into the three extreme realms, can he contend against the emperor.

Or, like Lu Bu, with the help of the armies.

However, the power of the Host is an external force after all, not a force derived from self-cultivation, and it is far inferior in control.

Faced with the emperor who has just stepped into the emperor, or the supreme of the emperor, he can still contend, but he is incapable of facing the star emperor.

But so what?

"My lord is not to fall into Lu Hou, so why be afraid of a battle if your majesty pro-appointed Lu Hou!"

Lu Bu held the Fangtian painted halberd in his hand, pointed at the sky far away, intent to fight*.


In an instant, Lü Bu burst out of boundless brilliance, blood raging like a river of nine heavens.

Standing alone, like a **** like a devil!

The five million wolves behind him roared, the Sirius roars, and the boundless suffocation, rolling the banner of the cartoon sky, like a gust of wind.

Then, Lu Bu raised his halberd and went up against the sky.

On Fang Tian's painting of the halberd, the golden light was released, dazzling, and with Lü Bu's unyielding will, he faced the emperor!

I use this halberd to open the world.

Also defeat the heroes with this halberd!

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