Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2580: Cangjie, used three more words

The three characters are suspended.

Every word contains the most terrifying power.

One is the "star" of the stars.

The words are like a galaxy, and countless stars linger around, just like building a vast star Tianhe.

The second is the "sea" of the ocean.

The laws are intertwined to evolve a vast ocean.

Three is the ‘swallow’ of the sky swallowing.

Thousands of roads roar, one word is like a gluttonous beast, with one mouth, you can swallow the heavens and worlds in one mouthful!

The emperor Xingchen and the others instantly sensed that the emperor who had come from their own practice was wailing.

This is like an emperor who has cultivated himself for countless years, encountering his own natural enemies, frightened and afraid!

Such as the stars, sunflowers, and swallow three avenues, crushing towards them.

", it's impossible!"

The Star Great Emperor's eyes widened, and his heart was terrified.

The power of the emperor depends on his original world.

The strength of the original world depends on the emperor who has practiced for countless years, which means that the stronger the emperor, the stronger the emperor.

But the emperor is invalid, the emperor is not much stronger than the quasi emperor.


In the next moment, the Star Emperor and other emperors made a decision instantly.

The horror of Cangjie far exceeded their imagination.

The emperors such as the Great Emperor Xingchen knew very well that Cangjie's understanding of the three great roads of stars, sunflowers, and swallows could already crush them.

Under such means, if they don't leave, they will only be caught with their hands and be suppressed by Cangjie!


The speed of those three characters is so fast that it is unimaginable.

In an instant, he crossed countless chaotic roads and came to the front of Emperor Star and the others. The aura enveloped several supreme beings, making them unable to escape.

"Your Excellency, you and I are both emperors, why bother to fight for life? If you let us go, we will go back.

And, vowed not to be an enemy of Buluo Dynasty. "

The Great Emperor Star hurriedly spoke.

At this time, Emperor Xingchen finally understood that this muddy water was not something they could be miserable.

Just retreat, this is the best choice.

"It's a pole, it's a pole."

"As long as you let the emperor leave, the emperor promises that he will no longer be an enemy of Buddhism."

The two emperors of the Great Emperor Canglan also swear by curses and ask for mercy.

At this scene, everyone present was dumbfounded, just as if a myth had collapsed, the Prince of Stars and other high-level officials opened their mouths, unable to speak for a long time.

Is this still a superior emperor?

How can you beg for mercy and panic like those mortals in crisis?

However, Emperor Xingchen and others didn't care about everyone's astonishment. Compared with their own safety, they didn't care about some faces and a few supreme beings.


However, even if they asked for mercy, the three characters did not mean to stop at all.

"Your Excellency, do you want to kill them all? I am the emperor. Even if you are stronger than us, it is not easy to suppress us!

Let us fight to the death, even you will be seriously injured! "

The Great Emperor Xingchen said bitterly, at the same time, the whole body was blooming with dazzling stars, as if he was about to fight to the death.


The breath of terror surging continuously in the void.

The three emperors at the same time put on a posture that would rather be jade fragments than tiles, even the peak of the three emperors, and even the supreme of the four emperors, must frown.

After all, these are the three emperors!

The actions of Emperor Xingchen and others really made Cangjie treasure a point.


Cangjie used three more characters.

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