Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2595: The stronger the war


Bai Qi's blood boiled, and he roared to the sky, his mighty voice even overshadowing the sound of endless thunder.

Countless creatures heard what he said, and could also feel the undisguised dominance and high-spirited fighting spirit.

A black hair dances wildly, like a **** of war in heaven, with unmatched fighting spirit!


The figure moved slightly, and the sound of bone friction was like a collision of gold and iron, clanging loudly.

The golden qi and blood rushed up into the sky like spirits and wolves, and immediately dyed the chaos into a vast golden color.

A soldier in battle armor emerged from it, exuding the power of burning mountains and boiling the sea every moment.

A statue of a soldier, sitting on the horse, with indifferent eyes, staring coldly at the ‘Ancient Demon Emperor’.


Bai Qi took a step forward, and his whole person turned into a bright beam of light, rushing straight into the huge thundercloud.

Countless soldiers moved behind him, their horses hissed and their banners hunted.

My army is easy to find!

The mighty iron-blooded evil aura and the calamity aura, blended into the surging vitality and blood like silver and silver, sweeping boundlessly.

It is also the practice of cultivating qi and blood together and running the military path, and the realm of Bai Qi is stronger than that of Lu Bu, who has just stepped into the Emperor Zhun.

At least, there are many quasi-emperor extreme realms present, no one dares to wipe their edge!


In the thunder sea, the eyes of ‘Ancient Devil Emperor’s eyes are as cold as ice, and their eyes are hanging high.

Although it was only a ray of imprint manifestation, it was born in accordance with the will of the ancient demon emperor, and also inherited the characteristics of the ancient demon emperor.

In his eyes, Bai Qi is just an ant that has just knocked on the emperor gate, so why is it worthy of his attention?


‘Ancient Devil Emperor’s expression was indifferent, and he slowly stepped out of the thunder sea.

The moment he walked out of the thunder sea, wisps of demonic energy escaped from his body, like a waterfall.

There are even more devilish evolution demon realms, there are a hundred-armed demon god, white bone demon god, nine nether dragon... roaring in it!


An unimaginable breath instantly filled a million miles of chaos, causing the entire void to tremble.

In the chaos, endless storms are set off, whizzing around the sky.

'Ancient Demon Emperor Zun' also swung a sword, slashing towards Bai Qi.


In the next moment, evil spirits collided with demonic energy, and the divine sword collided with the divine sword, causing tremendous fluctuations and shocking the world.

This horrible fluctuation fell in the eyes of countless creatures, just like the sky and the earth were breaking apart!

A ray of aftermath will dissipate, and a small world can be completely shattered, and the quasi-emperor can't resist it!


With every collision, Bai Qi will have blood from the corners of her mouth.

In the final analysis, Bai Qi's combat power is only comparable to the supreme emperor of ordinary beginners, and weaker than the ‘Ancient Demon Emperor’.

If not, the soldiers of Daqin Iron Knight saw that the situation was wrong and blessed Bai Qi with his own blood.

Otherwise, Bai Qi would have been defeated by ‘Ancient Demon Emperor’!

Even so, Bai Qi fell to an absolute disadvantage.


Bai Qi roared wildly, and the war intent in his eyes became more and more hot, like a big day, behind him a big banner to support the sky.

Hunting and hunting in the squally wind, the flag flies, the town is chaotic, and the five million Qin cavalry is even up.

Infinite power, poured into Bai Qi's body from the banner, let Bai Qi fight stronger and stronger!

In the collisions, Bai Qi was undergoing the final transformation before stepping into the Emperor Realm at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Slaying the world!"

Bai Qi's blood was boiling, and the breath of the whole body was rising.

Military attack, the stronger the war!

For those who practice military art and qi and blood together, as long as they are not defeated by a single blow, they will be able to become stronger in constant battles.

Even if the'Ancient Demon Emperor Zun' is comparable to the Supreme Emperor of the Second Realm, it cannot defeat Bai Qi at this moment in one blow.

All the pressure only allowed Bai Qi to undergo the final transformation.

Waiting for the ultimate leap!

Until the emperor!

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