Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2609: If you don’t fall this tall building, it will collapse

In chaos.

Huge shadows broke through the chaos and tore the void.

Unimaginable forces burst out, set off a monstrous torrent, and instantly formed a huge chaotic storm!

Then, those huge shadows appeared from the chaos, and they were all ancient warships.

Each warship is thousands of miles long, just like a chaotic continent, with more than 10,000 ships!

Or like a soaring true phoenix, or like a roaring heavenly scorpion, or it exudes endless glory, shining everywhere...

It was these warships that set off a terrible storm!

Ten thousand ships turned out to be shocking!

As the warship appeared, the endless aura of killing and killing instantly shook thousands of miles of chaos, and the void moved.

The terrifying breath made the hundreds of millions of creatures in the surrounding world trembled, and they only felt shaky.

The mountains collapsed and the oceans and lakes burst, like the end of the world.

God is murderous, the dragon and the snake are on the ground!

"Emperor Zhenhuang, here comes!"

The old man in Tsing Yi glanced at him, and suddenly he was shocked, like an electric shock.

He recognized that these were warships from the Zhenhuang Emperor Dynasty and other forces!

The Emperor Zhenhuang Dynasty has really come!


The battleship roared and moved, carrying a strong man with an indifferent face, and every cultivation base was above the realm of heaven and human.

The breath is calm and vast, united into one, for the best soldiers in ten thousand wars.

There is also a high-level powerhouse of various forces who is like a **** and devil, each of whom is a saint like an old man in Tsing Yi.

Also, the quasi-emperor powerhouse standing on the bow of each warship.

They are bathed in divine brilliance, or dazzling like a big sun, or majestic, golden body like brilliance, or their eyes open and close, tearing chaos...

Every quasi emperor is incredibly powerful!

Even through hundreds of thousands of Chaos Dao, the old man in Tsing Yi could perceive that terrifying fluctuation.

The little girl had fainted long ago and was firmly in his arms.

"This this……"

The old man in Tsing Yi looked at the army in front of him, opened his mouth, and made an unconscious murmur.

He couldn't even speak a complete sentence, showing how great the shock in his heart was.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, the old man in Tsing Yi couldn't imagine the scene before him.

Tens of thousands of huge warships lay in the chaos, covering the sky and the sun, covering all the chaos within a radius of a million miles.

Lined up, it's even wider than the one in the world!

The powerhouses on the battleship are countless, and their breath shakes the earth, like an ancient **** and demon.

A warship at will, wanting to smash the sapphire world tens of thousands of times, just between thoughts and no pressure.

Even some forces that are about to be promoted to the rank of the imperial dynasty, they may not be able to resist any warship.

Even the old man in Tsing Yi could capture the depths of the army, the obscure and vast, like the breath of the sky hanging high.

"This is the breath of the emperor!"

The old man in Tsing Yi was trembling again, and looked back to where he came from.

Friends, your choice is really wrong!

With such a power, the Emperor Zhenhuang Dynasty came to destroy the Immortal Dynasty, and there was no room for compromise.

This is the trend of Mount Tai's top pressure!

In your eyes, the powerful imperial imperial dynasty is just like a weak pebble, seemingly hard, but in fact it will collapse.

In the face of such power, how can the Buluo Dynasty come back?

How can it come back?

The tall building of Buluo Dynasty is about to collapse after all!

The forces attached to the imperial dynasty will also face the disaster of extinction.

Just like his old friends.

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