Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2616: War generals


As the "Emperor Zhenhuang" spoke, his body rose up with a powerful aura, filling the world.

The void shook, setting off a monstrous space storm!

Like a true phoenix that shakes its wings, shaking thousands of miles of chaos!

In the army, countless strong men could not help kneeling to the ground, and they could only shiver under this terrifying power.

The world moves with one word, and one word is chaotic!

Many emperors realized that this ‘Emperor Zhenhuang’ was angry!

However, many emperors hesitate in their hearts, shouldn't they let the generals who do not fall behind and step into the emperor realm?

This is an emperor!

"It's nothing more than a supreme who has just stepped into the emperor realm. It can be suppressed by turning your palms. The most important thing is not to break the dynasty."

"Emperor Zhenhuang" seemed to see the doubts of the emperors, and said lightly.

Compared with the imperial dynasty, a supreme who has just stepped into the emperor realm, why should he care too much?

On the contrary, Buluo Dynasty’s strength and various methods made him particularly jealous.

'Emperor Zhenhuang' looked faintly at the chaos.

The three large formations before, even his perception was blocked, although when he got serious, he could see through it at a glance, but it was too late.

Staring at the three battlefields, clearly reflected in the depths of his eyes.

Zhu Bajie transforms into a peerless monster, and the devilish energy is rolling, suppressing the five supreme emperors such as Emperor Jiuxiao.

The black bear spirit held a red tasseled spear, rolled up the black wind, and crushed the four emperors!

Cangjie is in charge of the Words of Humanity and God, motivating the Great Avenue of the Heavens, and suppressing the four emperors including the Star Emperor with his hand.

The three suppressed the enemy in front of them at the same time, stood with their hands behind them, and looked out from a distance to meet the faint gaze of'Emperor Zhenhuang'.

One reaction each.

Zhu Bajie grinned, the magic in his blood pupils.

The black bear has a fierce fighting spirit, and its eyes are glaring and unruly.

Cangjie's eyes were indifferent, cold and merciless, as if the heavens were hanging above the nine heavens, ignoring everything in the world.

‘Sure enough, as the father said, not falling into the dynasty is the real confidant of the Emperor Zhenhuang! ’

'Emperor Zhenhuang' was awe-inspiring in his heart and his expression was solemn.

These three supreme nobles, each cultivation base is not inferior to him, and the combat power is not necessarily weaker than him.

Originally, in his eyes, the imperial dynasty was at most Zhubajie and an emperor, which deserved his attention.

It now appears that the strength of Buluo Dynasty far exceeds his expectations.

The three emperors of the three realms have already surpassed the Emperor Zhenhuang.

But what about it!

He is the son and heir of the father and the emperor, and the prince of the Emperor Zhenhuang, why should he be afraid that he will not fall into the emperor and fight once and for all.

He came by the order of the emperor, and he should complete the order of the emperor and destroy this imperial dynasty that does not know the height of the sky.

Obtain the most treasures in the Tianyao continent, dedicated to the father!

"The whole army obeys the order and advances at full speed!"

'Emperor Zhenhuang' stood up and shouted loudly.

The mighty sound wave spread out instantly, swept the chaos, and echoed in the ears of many powerful people.

Then, in the desperate eyes of the old man in Tsing Yi.


There was a roar.

Thousands of warships erupted with a violent roar, smashed through the chaos, and smashed toward the front.

The army marches, the warlords rise!

"What's going on, what happened?"

"This is the army of the Emperor Zhenhuang Dynasty, the Emperor Zhenhuang Dynasty is coming!"

"Ten thousand chaotic warships, no, how could this be?"

The powerhouses in the surrounding world were also alarmed.

When I saw the army of the Emperor Zhenhuang Dynasty, his face was pale, like the old man in Qingyi.

Do not.

It should be more desperate than the old man in Tsing Yi!

Thousands of warships, infinite strong, countless soldiers.

How can the imperial dynasty take it?

The building will fall!

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