Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2619: For example, one arrow opens the sky


A ray of divine glory lit up from the chaos of the underworld.


A sharp explosion broke through thousands of miles of chaos, resounded through the sky, suppressing all the voices in the void.

A simple and unpretentious divine arrow pierced the chaos in an instant.

Coming straight!


At the same time, a series of laws emerged from the void, and Kui Er merged into the primitive divine arrow.

Inexplicable fluctuations flow around, freezing the surrounding chaos.

One arrow.

Time and space, chaos!

Where the arrow passed, everything returned to stillness, everything stopped flowing, the storm subsided, and the void solidified.

Even the tens of thousands of chaotic warships in the distance were affected by the aura flowing on the arrow of the gods, and they remained still.

The gale blows in chaos and chaos, and it's a stone's throw!

All the creatures who watched this arrow only felt that there was a sharp edge, coming from the tip of the arrow, piercing the soul, and the whole person was like falling into the abyss, and the soul was about to split!


"Buluo Dynasty is here!"

"Buluo Dynasty sent people, and Buluo Dynasty did not abandon us!"

The powerhouses of many worlds couldn't help shouting with excitement.

Looking at the arrow that pierced the sky, what they saw was the hope of life, the hope of survival!

The Buluo Dynasty did not abandon them, nor did they abandon them who surrendered to the Buluo Dynasty.

A ray of arrows shone through the darkness, like the scorching sun shining on the sky.

Shenhui falls, and the dust is full of light!

If it is said that the powerhouses of the various worlds see hope, then the powerhouses of the Zhenhuang Emperor Dynasty and other forces see destruction, despair, and great terror!


The warlord of the Emperor Zhenhuang Dynasty's eyes widened, and his heart jumped to his throat.

This arrow!


The escaping breath almost tear him apart, as if he would fall on the spot in the next instant.

Moreover, this arrow blocked all his retreat, suppressing all the chaos in his vicinity.

Can't dodge, can't avoid, can't escape, can only take this arrow!

"Zhou Jun, help me!"

The warlord of the Zhenhuang Emperor roared wildly, frantically spurring the mana in his body, and making a roar.

He still doesn't want to die!

He didn't want to just die unclearly!

This warlord of the True Phoenix Emperor was an ancient sage at the top, only half a step away from the Emperor Zhun.

Originally, he was planning to make up his achievements in this battle and exchange for a Quasi-Emperor Grade God Pill to break through the Quasi-Emperor Realm!

With a bright future ahead, how could he die?


* The sacred fire rushed out from his body.

Like a pillar of flame that traverses chaos, burning in the void.

The powerhouses of the Emperor Zhenhuang dynasty beside him also shouted angrily, mobilizing their own strength and turning into a sacred fire.

The flames of all colors rolled out like a tornado, shaking the universe!

At that moment, it seemed that the chaos was about to be burned to death!

The sky fires the sky, cooks the world Fenkong!


However, that quaint **** arrow only trembled slightly.

The terrifying arrow will drop down from the arrow of the gods, like a violent wind, like a raging wind, like a storm, and wipe out everything.

The sacred fire in the sky was extinguished instantly by the arrow.

With just one arrow, you can shoot the emperor, how can the ancient sage of the peak stop it?

Even if there are thousands of ancient sages and dozens of quasi emperors, they are unstoppable!


The arrow fell into the army, like a rainbow that pierced through the sky and the earth, across the void, dividing the army into two.

He shot and killed the warlord of the True Phoenix Emperor, and also shot and killed a quasi-emperor, and also penetrated the warships.

Suddenly, a **** path was drawn in the chaos.

Such as.

Open the sky with one stone!

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