Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2623: My name is Luohou Jidu, I will kill you today

In chaos.

The law roared and the blood poured down.

The vision of the demon ape demon sovereign's fall continued.

'Emperor Zhenhuang' looked gloomy, and his expression was extremely embarrassing.

He didn't care about the fall of the Demon Ape Yaozun, but he was just an emperor whose life was near.

Even if the Demon Ape Demon Venerable had the cultivation base of the Emperor and Realm, he never cared.

He also didn't care about the many powerful members of the True Phoenix Emperor who fell. What he cares most about is that he actually lost!

Under the gaze of countless creatures, he was repelled by an arrow, and even wounded by the arrow.

This is an unforgivable thing!

You must know that his current identity is the identity of his father, and the identity of Emperor Zhenhuang represents his father.

The performance at this moment has already clouded the prestige of the father!

He can't wait to tear the person who shoots into pieces, eat his flesh, eat his soul, in order to wash his own shame.




At this moment, a series of low footsteps quietly sounded in the chaos.

The faint sound of footsteps, like a dense drumbeat, suddenly blasted into the hearts of all creatures.

For a time, the chaos of a radius of a million miles seemed to be the clear sound of footsteps.

Even the many emperors present suddenly changed their expressions, only feeling inexplicably upset in their hearts, almost vomiting blood.


The condensed expression of'Emperor Zhenhuang' frowned, and his eyes fell to look at the incoming person.

This is a slender man.

Wearing a black shirt, holding a gray long bow, and carrying seven quaint black arrows on his back, the whole body lingers with unparalleled evil spirits.

Stepping out with one foot is like stepping on the heavens!


When it appeared, the endless evil spirits and murderous intentions instantly filled thousands of miles of chaos, shaking the sky.

The deep chill is like a shadow, like a sharp arrow, reaching the necks of countless creatures!

Let people fall into the abyss!

The eyes of'Emperor Zhenhuang' narrowed slightly. Is this the person who shot just now?

The one who humiliated his father's prestige?


The man raised his brows slightly, his eyes looked like a divine arrow, piercing the chaos, tearing the world apart, looking into the depths of the army.

The light of the eyes was like an arrow, and the arrow that opened the sky before this, wherever the light of the eyes went, countless creatures only felt trembling, and their souls were pierced.

Moreover, countless creatures have fallen!

Just a glance, more than a million strong men died on the spot!

In the end, the man's gaze fell on'Emperor Zhenhuang':

"Emperor Zhenhuang, Emperor Zhenhuang?"


'Emperor Zhenhuang' moved his body, his eyes were cold, and he slowly stood up, his whole body was full of divine fire.

With a cry of the phoenix, a real phoenix leaped up in the midst of the rippling clouds!

The wings are like clouds, the flames are vast!

"Emperor Zhenhuang" stepped on the dragon's blade, overlooking the chaos:

"It's the emperor, I don't know who you are?"


The man's eyes raised slightly, and the corners of his mouth gradually rose, seeming to mock and disdain:

"Everyone in the world thinks that you are the first emperor of Eastern Xinjiang, and you can command the Eastern Frontier with all your strength.

I will not fall, and fight with you, but hit the stone with the pebble. "

"But, does anyone know that you are the one who hit the stone with the pebbles."

"Remember, my name is Luohou Jidu, and I am the one who killed you today and crowned the overlord of Eastern Xinjiang for not falling!"


Luo Hou Jidu peeked backhand, took out an arrow from behind, and clasped the quaint black longbow in his other hand.

Draw the bow and draw the arrow.

The bow is like a moon.

Immediately, the arrow shot out like a dragon, and the low whistle blew up the chaos.


The chaos of thousands of miles was opened by an arrow, and the void was torn apart by an arrow.

At that moment, countless creatures were shocked and their hearts trembled.

"Emperor Zhenhuang" is also a change of color!

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