Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2628: Hidden Emperor


Only, the chaotic and disorderly space storm is whispering, raging everywhere.

The icy chaos should have been deserted.

At this moment, there are two phantoms shrouded in endless divine glory, standing in the void, ups and downs in the chaos.

The aura of the two is extremely magnificent, and the vast coercion fills thousands of miles of chaos!

Among them, a phantom figure can be identified with a single look, it is a young man in a light blue mysterious robe.

The youth has a cold face, and his eyes are cold and indifferent, like the sun and the moon hanging high!

Anyone who sees this person is like watching a supreme nine-day god.

Between gestures, heaven and earth surrender.

The other phantom is a terrifying existence that haunts the infinite divine fire.

While the wings were fluttering, a tide of flames filled the sky.

Countless flame elves and terrifying laws of flame are beating around him, like a ‘flame god’ holding the fire of the heavens.

The existence of these two deities is just standing here, as if they are stepping down the heavens.

The vast and reckless breath escapes at will, many worlds are shaken, and the universe hangs upside down.

Countless creatures who felt this breath all knelt to the ground.


The emperor who lives high in the nine heavens, like a real dragon!

Even if there are other emperors of the Eastern Frontier here, they will also be afraid of the existence of these two deities.

Yes, fear!

Because these two emperors are supreme above the four realms of emperors.

The existence that truly stands on the top of Eastern Xinjiang!


The two existences have deep gazes, and they seem to cross countless chaotic roads, and the battlefield in the distance is unobstructed.

The scene of the battle between "Emperor Zhenhuang" and Luohou Jidu was clearly reflected in the eyes of both.

In the distance, the'Emperor Zhenhuang' flapped its wings, waved countless flame stars, merged into a vast galaxy, shaking the heavens.

The terrifying power made the blue robe youth's expression slightly moved.

"Zhenhuang, you are lucky. Over the years, you have cultivated a powerful descendant.

If the opportunity is sufficient, it may not be impossible to enter the four realms of the emperor. "

The blue-robed youth glanced at the'flaming god' beside him, and suddenly spoke.

The faint voice, without any ups and downs, was like thunder shaking the chaos, roaring constantly.

"A mere descendant should not be praised by Brother Qingtian."

The "flaming god" looked calm and shook his head slightly.

In his mouth, the "Emperor Zhenhuang" who replaced his own body to dominate the eastern boundary for several epochs seemed to be just a small person not worthy of praise from the blue-robed youth.

"In comparison, the Tianmeng True Monarch under Brother Qingtian made this emperor look at him with admiration."

The'flaming god' smiled lightly.

"The soul is divided into two parts, yin and yang are two sides, both of which are the main body.

If you can both step into the peak of the emperor's three realms, or can break the threshold of the emperor's four realms, a good idea. "

"The Flame God" applauded.

That day, Meng Zhenjun's thoughts, even he had to praise him.

With this courage, he took another approach, splitting his own emperor soul into two, creating a clone, in order to break through.

You know, when a cultivator enters the emperor realm, the divine soul transitions for the second time and transforms into an immortal emperor soul, possessing immortal characteristics.

At this time, if you want to divide the soul into two, the difficulty will increase exponentially, and you will endure unimaginable pain!

Tian Meng Zhenjun can do this, which shows his courage.

Of course, to pay such a price, True Monarch Tianmeng's method is extremely feasible in the eyes of the'flaming god'.

In comparison, the chance of one's descendants breaking through the four realms of the emperor is much greater.

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