Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2643: Desperate people


When Luohou Jidu shot an arrow.

In the void, the law was stirring and roaring.

This arrow seemed to cover the entire chaotic light, like a black real dragon raging.

Countless creatures raised their eyes. At this moment, there was only an arrow in the chaos that cut through the sky, like an arrow shot by an ancient god.

This arrow can shoot the gods and demons of the heavens and all realms.

An arrow fell into the sky, and the gods and demons were killed by God!


A halo circulated on Luohou Arrow, shining with inexplicable light.

Immediately afterwards, an invisible wave swept across the Quartet, stopping one's time and space in one fell swoop, and freezing everything.

One arrow.

Set Chaos!

This is Luohoujian's power of time and space, which can hold time and space.

Even the "Emperor Zhenhuang" who dominates a world of flames, like an ancient god, seems to be frozen.

"This arrow is stronger than before."

Many emperors raised their eyes and looked at them, their eyes condensed.

Luohou Jidu's arrow was several times more terrifying than the previous two arrows, and it seemed to penetrate the heavens!

They had to admit that this arrow emperor named Luohou Jidu was extremely powerful.

Even at this time, he can fit the arrow with his body and shoot this arrow that can shoot down the nine gods.

Even if the Heavenly Meng Zhenjun and the three emperors who stepped on the emperor world joined forces again, they might not be able to stop the arrow.

I am afraid, it will be penetrated directly!

"Then the Emperor Zhenhuang just stepped into the four realms of the emperor, maybe Master Jidu, this arrow can kill him."

The powerhouse who did not fall to the side of the dynasty closely followed this battle, could not help but raise a glimmer of hope.

They don't know the difference in cultivation level between emperors, nor do they understand what the four realms of emperors mean.

In the eyes of many powerful people, the'Emperor Zhenhuang' has just entered the so-called four realms of emperors, and the realm has not yet been stabilized.

Perhaps stronger than Luohou Jidu, but not necessarily much stronger.

On the contrary, Luohou Jidu's arrow, they could feel its terrifying power.

The mighty arrow is overwhelming, sweeping the world!

Through countless Chaos Dao, everyone can feel the terrifying power of one of the arrows to kill the gods and demons.

The chill of the *marrow touched their souls even more.

In comparison, the palm of'Zhenhuang Great' looked terrifying, but it felt inferior to this arrow.

"To win!"

In all the worlds, countless creatures clenched their hands and watched this scene nervously.

The victory or defeat in this battle is about their life and death!

Luo Hou is victorious, they can live.

When Luo Hou failed, they died!

But then, the scene they least wanted to see happened.


The big hand covering the sky slightly shook, and countless crimson flames fell.

The billowing suffocation engulfed by Luohou Jian was hung down and waited for my True Phoenix Divine Fire to be burned out in an instant.

Like a raging fire, a little spark falls into it, igniting all the evil spirits, and burns them out in a flash!

Luo Houjian was also suppressed and couldn't resist.

With a big hand squeezing the sky, Luohou Jian was gently squeezed between **** at will, like a plaything in his palm.

Just before, Luohoujian was easily suppressed.

This suppression not only shattered the possibility of Luo Hou Jidu defeating the "Emperor Zhenhuang", but also shattered everyone's last hope.

"Do not……!"

The desperate cry of countless creatures, their faces are like ashes.


Covering the sky with a big hand at random, Luo Hou Ji was even more bloody, and the whole person was shot upside down for tens of thousands of miles.

As it flew out, there was hope in everyone's hearts.

It's over.

It's all over!

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