Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2647: One sword


A faint word swept the chaos instantly.

The vast sound waves shake this piece of void.

The shocking fluctuations, with the strongest power, blasted through the sky, resounding in the ears of many powerful people.

Anyone who heard this sentence could hear the murderous intent and the overbearing meaning.


In the depths of the chaos, a brilliant sword light pierced through the chaos of thousands of miles and came from cutting the sea of ​​stars in the universe.

Infinite glory blooms, shining eternal fairy light!

Suddenly, the laws of the heavens roared, and the endless chaotic essence was boiling, as if the entire chaos was split.


In the darkness, there seemed to be a Nine Heavens Immortal who pushed open the door of the immortal world, waved the immortal sword in his hand, and slashed with one sword.

Anything that stands in front of this sword will be cut through with one sword.

All magical powers, martial arts, and worlds will all vanish and disappear.

One sword divides chaos, one sword breaks ten thousand laws!

And this dazzling sword light pointed directly at ‘Emperor Zhenhuang’!

Among them, the power of the strongest supremacy contained makes many emperors panicked, and their faces are shocked.


'Emperor Zhenhuang' also frowned.

With this sword, even He was shocked, and had to take back the palm of Luo Hou Jidu's hand, and turned to meet this sword.


The two forces collided together, and the terrifying aura swept through the wilds and shattered the void.

In an instant, the avenue roared and the void was broken!

The endless chaotic essence is boiling and bursting, turning into a storm and spreading everywhere, in the chaos, setting off huge waves.

Some strong men who were too late to avoid were caught in the aftermath, and were instantly crushed into dust and disappeared in smoke.

Even the several chaotic warships of the Emperor Zhenhuang Dynasty were wiped out by the aftermath!

After the "Emperor Zhenhuang" entered the four realms of the emperor, his strength soared more than hundreds of times, and his strength was extremely powerful.

The mana is boundless, and between the gestures, it is like a sea of ​​stars hanging down, shaking the square.

However, it was under this sword light that suffered a great loss!


A harsh sound, like the sound of a sharp blade piercing the flesh and blood.

The expression of'Emperor Zhenhuang' suddenly changed, and he lost his original calmness, and a panic flashed in his eyes.

Since stepping into the four realms of the emperor,'Emperor Zhenhuang' has always been a proud posture overlooking everything.

Whether it is Luohou Jidu, or other strong people in the Eastern Frontier, he doesn't take it seriously.

Of course, the power of the emperor's fourth realm made him ignore all capital.

Even if he had missed the capture of Luohou before, he didn't care much, just like a cat playing a mouse.

Luo Houji couldn't wait for the strong, and couldn't escape his palm.

But at this moment, He couldn't help being appalled.

That sword light engulfed the shining power that shattered everything, and shattered his big hand that covered the sky condensed with chaotic essence.

Immediately afterwards, he took advantage of the trend and cut off the right arm of the'True Phoenix Emperor'!

"No, how is this possible!!"

'Emperor Zhenhuang' roared, his voice was full of surprise.

He has entered the fourth stage of the emperor, and he will be cut off his right arm, almost seriously injured!

You must know that when his emperor body entered the fourth stage of the emperor, it also increased dozens of times as its strength increased.

Like Luohou Jidu’s Luohou arrow, even if he let Luohouji shoot him, it would not cause him much harm.

As a result, he was still cut off his right arm by this sword of light!

How can "Emperor Zhenhuang" not be surprised?

How not to be angry?

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