Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2659: Thunder robbery, the emperor will become the emperor

Chengdi Leijie.

A warrior, the last tribulation before becoming an emperor.

If you can survive, you can prove that the emperor of Dao, and all worlds will be respected!

Since then, overlooking the world, sitting on the life of several epochs, he can be called a god, and is admired by countless creatures.

Standing high above the nine heavens, smiling to see the world is surging.

If it can't get through, it will leave a wound, and there is no hope to step into the emperor realm in this life, and there is no possibility of breakthrough.

On the other hand, fell in the thunder tribulation, turned into flying ash, and spent countless years of hard work!

Of course, no matter who it is, he dare not despise Chengdi Leijie.

If a quasi-emperor is strong, if he wants to provoke the thunder tribulation into the emperor, he will generally prepare countless backhands in order to increase his chances of overcoming the thunder tribulation.

Or, after failing to cross the robbery, you can save yourself.

After all, even if you can't survive the thunder catastrophe, you still have to survive.

No one would be as careless as Qin Yi, unprepared to go through the catastrophe, even in front of many powerful enemies!

Is this because he didn't die fast enough?

"Crazy! If you don't fall to the emperor, is this crazy?"

"Lord Buluo, is this looking for death?"

"Damn it, go back!"

As soon as the waves of Thunder Tribulation dispersed, many emperors, as well as the Eastern Frontier powerhouses, jumped away from here quickly.

The Thunder Tribulation of Emperor Cheng is a catastrophe prepared for the descending of the Great Dao of Heavens in order to sharpen the quasi-emperor who knocks on the emperor's gate.

Lei Jie was only aimed at the person who knocked on the Emperor Pass.

However, if there is a strong person in the thunder robbery, they will also be enveloped by the thunder robbery. At the same time, the power of the thunder robbery will skyrocket countless times!

Even the emperor couldn't bear the thunder robbery at that time!

"Damn it!"

No, even ‘Emperor Zhenhuang’ cursed secretly and retreated far.

Not only'Emperor Zhenhuang', but also the blue-robed youth and'flaming god', his expression changed slightly, avoiding this place.

For a time, with Qin Yi as the center, the chaos tens of thousands of miles around was empty, and no one stood.

Luohou Jidu also guarded many creatures and left here.

Qin Yi didn't care about everyone's actions, just stared at the chaos, his expression became more and more solemn.

As early as when he stepped into the extreme realm of Emperor Zhun, he had already knocked on the Emperor Pass.

If it hadn't been for laying the foundation of disregarding the heavens, becoming the number one evildoer of the heavens, and completing the system task, I am afraid he would have entered the emperor realm long ago.

At this moment, he had cultivated into the three extreme realms, and had already reached the peak of the quasi emperor.

It was also time to start Lei Jie and step into the Emperor Realm.

Even if there is no persecution from the'Emperor Zhenhuang', he will soon provoke Thunder Tribulation in order to step into the emperor realm.

And as long as he survives the Thunder Tribulation of Chengdi, his deity will also enter the Emperor Realm after the clone!

When he steps into the emperor realm, the deity's combat power will also skyrocket countless times.

Qin Yi is confident, and with his unbelievably strong background, he can even compete with the emperor!


As Qin Yi's thoughts flowed, thunder roared and countless lightning roared.

Chengdi Thunder Tribulation, finally arrived!

At that moment, with Qin Yi as the center, the minds of countless creatures in the world trembled, all squatting on the ground.

Ray, Dadao Tianwei!

Thunder Tribulation is precisely the most terrifying authority in the hands of Heavenly Dao and Dao Dao.

Chengdi Thunder Tribulation is equally terrifying.

If not, Cheng Di Lei Jie is only aimed at Qin Yi alone, and the pressure alone can crush countless creatures to death!

Even so, countless creatures still feel that their livers and gallbladders are splitting.

Thunder robbery, sentient beings are shocked!

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