Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2662: With the help of thunder and robbery, I am invincible


The thunder light is mighty, like a turf and ocean surging.

Countless thunderbolts are beating in the thunder sea, like countless dragons tumbling, engulfing the great momentum.

Densely dense electric lights poured down like a thunderstorm!

Strands of thunder fell from the thunderclouds, and instantly penetrated thousands of miles of void, terrifying to the extreme!


Qin Yi was full of radiance, like a **** like a devil.

The big hand Ji Zhang smashed the terrifying thunder that fell down.

Both the Taiyi God Thunder and the Purple Heaven God Thunder were easily broken by Qin Yi.


After the divine thunder was shattered, it turned into small electric lights, beating inside and outside of Qin Yi's body, tempering Qin Yi's body, and forcing out the impurities hidden in his body.


Numerous acupuncture points light up everywhere in the body.

At that moment, Qin Yi's muscles and bones, blood vessels, limbs and a hundred skeletons were all glowing, bursting into bright light.

Among the various acupoints, towering shrines suddenly manifested, and I saw a **** of the acupoints sitting cross-legged in them, singing in low Sanskrit!

The acupuncture points are blooming with gold, and the gods are chanting scriptures!

The celestial warrior opens the acupoints around the body and condenses the acupoint deities before he can step into the realm of emergence.

These acupoint deities, if opened, can bless their bodies and enhance their combat power.

The stronger the acupoint deity, the stronger itself.

In the end, the acupoint deity can even be transformed into substance, becoming a true deity!

With the power of the gods, bless oneself, what terrifying power can burst out!

One thought crushes the heavens, turning over the world.

Only between thoughts!


While Qin Yi tempered his physical body, the gods at the acupoints around his body were constantly absorbing thunder.

Every time it absorbs a ray of thunder, the figure of the gods in the various acupoints is solidified.

The boundless thunderbolt in the thundercloud is originally formed by the condensing of the great avenues of heaven and earth according to the laws of heaven and earth. It has a strong effect on tempering the flesh and soul.

The emperor's body and soul are immortal because of the baptism of Thunder Tribulation!


The laws of heaven and earth contained in the thunder catastrophe are also of great benefit to the transformation of the gods of the acupoints.

Qin Yi's physical body has reached the peak state of the quasi-emperor, not weaker than the emperor's third-level body-refining supreme.

Cheng Di Lei Jie had lost the effect of hammer forging on Qin Yi's body.

However, Qin Yi could hammer the deities of the acupoints around the body with the power of thunder, and strengthen his power in disguise.


As time goes by, the deities of the acupoints have become more and more condensed, and their treasures are solemn.

Correspondingly, Qin Yi's vigor and strength became more and more powerful.


Within the body, the roar of blood surging, like a river of billions of heaven, burst out with terrifying power.


Qin Yi only moved slightly, and the void was shaken, with a crisp, overwhelmed sound, as if it might break at any time!

Every gesture, there is great power!

To be more specific, Qin Yi's vigor power has increased the power of five thousand heavenly dragons.

The power of five thousand dragons.

That is the power of half a true dragon, how amazing it is!

After stepping into the emperor realm, most emperors want to make progress in the unit of ten thousand years, even millions of years, ten thousand years, no inch, not a few.

In such a short period of time, Qin Yi has made such terrifying progress. If he speaks it out, he will shock the sky and shock the world!

Of course, Qin Yi could make such a great progress under the thunder.

With the help of thunder and robbery, cast my invincible body!

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