Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2675: Can't send the emperor, go on the road

Tianzun device.

Tianzun Supreme Treasure, refined by Tianzun, has unlimited power.

Unless you get the approval of the Celestial Device, or suppress the spirit of the device, no one can control the Celestial Device.

Even the half-step Celestial Venerable of the Nine Emperors cannot be recognized by the Celestial Device, nor can it be the Imperial Celestial Device.

Qin Yi is not in the quasi-emperor realm and has not set foot in the emperor realm. How can he get the approval of the Heavenly Venerable Device?

Of course, the ‘flaming god’ did not care.

If Qin Yi had won the exalted legacy, even if he could not use the supreme heavenly weapon, there would still be other treasures of the supreme.

How can there be only one Heavenly Sovereign Device?

Tianzun talisman, imperial war weapon... and so on, there will be no shortage of such treasures.

Except for the treasure used by cutting off his heir's right arm at the beginning, Qin Yi didn't use any other treasures.

I have to guard against this!

"Blood Phoenix, the emperors of Sound Transmission, be prepared to take action. If this child survives thunder, he will kill him in one fell swoop!

If you don't fall behind the emperor, the four-level supreme will make a move, and Qingtian and I will make a move and stop him.

Definitely not allow this child to survive the thunder calamity safely! "

Immediately, the ‘flaming god’ spread the voice to the ‘Emperor Zhenhuang’ with his spiritual thoughts.

"Yes, Father!"

"Emperor Zhenhuang" condensed his eyes, and responded with a deep voice.

Then, the "Emperor Zhenhuang" is the emperor of the Eastern Frontier.


Needless to say, Tongtian Baozun and other Supremes suddenly took a step forward.

Separate everywhere in the void, and firmly lock Qin Yi.


that moment.

Dozens of unimaginable horror auras erupted, swept the void, and instantly filled thousands of miles of chaos.

Around here, the creatures of countless worlds just feel that their livers and gallbladders are split, and their whole bodies are trembling.

More than twenty emperors, Qi Qi issued coercion, compared with the coercion of the twelve emperors incarnation, no difference.

Even better!

After all, among the emperors of Eastern Xinjiang, there is also the "Emperor Zhenhuang" who has entered the fourth realm of emperors.


The coercion of the emperors of the Eastern Frontiers, with the breath of twelve emperor incarnations, pressed towards Qin Yi together.

How terrifying is the coercion of dozens of emperors?

At this moment, all the creatures looking at this place are fortunate to see this horrible sight.


As if thunder fell in nine days, a thunderous roar erupted.

The void in a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles burst open instantly, and countless chaotic auras were directly squeezed out, exposing a large vacuum area.

Whether it is a small thousand world or a middle thousand world, under this coercion, all have turned into fans!

Even with the power of the Great Dao of Heavens, it is of no avail!

Even some of the quasi-emperor powerhouses hidden in the void, were affected by the pressure, and could not dodge, and directly burst into a cloud of blood!

Even the boundless sea of ​​thunder was shaken by the whole, as if to be shaken by pressure.

What is pressing the heavens?

This is!


When it was, countless strong men looked up, a dead silence.

Everyone seemed to be frightened and stupid, their bodies and souls were stiff, and they were dumbfounded.

Just coercion shattered hundreds of thousands of miles of chaos.

Who can rival such power?

Even the Emperor Supreme in the second and third realms, before this coercion, was like an ant.

As for Qin Yi, it is even more like a joke, vulnerable to a blow in front of this force!

"Qin Yi, let your head down!"

"Emperor Zhenhuang" has cold eyes, looking down, indifferent and arrogant.

It's also time to send this Lord of the Fallen Lord, on the road!

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