Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2677: Ancestral Dragon Bloodline


Jinhui overflows.

Qin Yi's body acupuncture points burst out brightly, and the roar of billions of dragons resounded through the sky.

There is also a deity at Zunqiao Acupoint, appearing, sitting cross-legged.


Jin Hui soared up, soaking in the frosty sky, stretching for an unknown amount of time.

The entire chaos seems to be dyed into a golden can, the heavens are invisible, the ten thousand realms are invisible, the only golden can.

Like darkness covering the night, thousands of miles of chaos, all shrouded in brilliant gold, the world is the only one!

Even the mighty and boundless sea of ​​thunder was covered with gold and dyed golden yellow.


The **** of the acupoints suddenly leaped, bringing the temples of the acupoints into the sky.

Then, bursts of dazzling divine brilliance, like stars hanging high.

Deify the stars!

The countless acupuncture points in Qin Yi's body turned into dazzling stars all over the sky at this moment.

There are stars in the night, this golden sky, naturally there are stars hanging high!

And Qin Yi bathed in golden brilliance, like a piece of divine armor, like a **** standing in the nine layers of heaven, looking down at the fairy king!

Only a ray of breath escaped, and it was filled with chaos.

It shook the universe, suppressed ten thousand realms, and swept the heavens and all realms.

The many emperors in the eastern frontier were also shocked, feeling a vast oppressive force.

Moreover, in their perception, Qin Yi's breath is still soaring.

It is as if a sleeping ancient **** and demon is slowly waking up!


"Emperor Zhenhuang" was uncertain, and there was a wave of uneasiness in his heart.

But before he could speak, Qin Yi had spoken again, and this time, there were only two words:


The sound instantly blasted through thousands of miles of chaos, shaking the heavens.

Like a real dragon whispering, like a **** king roaring!


Qin Yi's figure moved slightly, his back rhythmic.


There was a distant dragon chant.

Looking at it again, Qin Yi has already turned into a golden real dragon that shakes the heavens and the earth, rising up into the sky, and shining from it.

As the rising sun, the brilliance that falls like a waterfall!

The mighty blood rolled, thousands of miles of chaos shook, the boundless void shattered, and the world fell!

that moment.

In the chaos, there is one less emperor, and one more golden real dragon that spans thousands of miles!

In the vast sea of ​​clouds that gathered, it was looming.

Longyou for nine days, gather the sea of ​​clouds to cover him!


"Emperor Zhenhuang" was shocked and his expression was extremely shocked.

At this time, how he didn't know that the Emperor Fuluo actually had the blood of the real dragon clan.

Moreover, the concentration of his blood is far beyond his imagination.

Even, give him a kind of suppression on the origin of life!

If a mortal faces the immortal gods, this kind of suppression originates from the soul and blood.

You must know that he is a member of the True Phoenix clan, with the blood of the True Phoenix clan.

True dragons and true phoenixes belong to the same clan of gods and beasts. The top races have the same bloodline level.

Even if Qin Yi has the blood of a true dragon, it is impossible to give him a sense of suppression.


'Emperor Zhenhuang' shrank, thinking of a possibility.

As long as he thinks of this possibility, he feels trembling all over, and only feels that his soul is about to split.

"This is my trump card, what do you think?"

At this moment, Qin Yi opened his eyes like the sun and the moon and spoke quietly.

"Ancestral Dragon Bloodline!"

Hearing this,'Emperor Zhenhuang' trembled all over, muttering in a dreamlike voice.

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