Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2683: The lord who was fancy


The undulations in the world drifted across the heavens and all realms.

Like this huge existence, there are many ancient existences that have been alarmed.

Just as before, the real dragon of Qi Luck became the honor of the real dragon, and the Great Dao of the Heavens was its eye, and Qin Yi stepped into the emperor realm, which also touched the ancient existence in the universe of the heavens.

These exist, or do not care, or indifferent, or disdain...

For their existence at this level, no matter how strong Qin Yi is, it is nothing, and they don't need to care.

If it weren't for the shaking of the Great Avenue of the Heavens, you wouldn't even have the qualifications to attract their attention!

At this moment, Qin Yi, if they want to take action, they can kill Qin Yi at will, just like an ant.

These existences don't care, but there are still a lot of them, and they are very interested in Qin Yi.

Central territory.

In a vast and abundant world.

There are numerous buildings, and the White Jade Palace stretches for hundreds of millions of miles.

Countless chaotic auras fell like a waterfall, covering the palace, and countless sounds roared into the sky.

The clouds and mist are like a heavenly palace!

Among these palaces, there is one that is the largest, with a whole body of blue and white, made of an unknown immortal gold.

In the hall.

The two stalwarts are incredible, sitting opposite each other, using the sky full of stars and countless great worlds as chess to spread the chess game.

One, wearing a Tsing Yi Dao robe, hair like snow, eyes filled with vast galaxies, fingers white, playing against people.

One is a sturdy figure, about the middle of the year, wearing a light yellow **** armor, sitting on a golden horse with a sword, and the eyebrows are open and closed, seemingly endless evil spirit surges.

"Huh, a real dragon born from luck?

After passing the Tribulation of the Little Heavenly Sovereign and entering the Emperor Realm, he has good aptitude. "

The Taoist in Tsing Yi suddenly changed his expression and smiled.

In the bottom of his eyes, the stars flowed, reflecting the sight of the eastern frontier.

The real dragon Qin Yi transformed is also in it!

"This son, living in the blood of a real dragon, is considered a descendant of that old dragon, a member of the real dragon family.

Brother, if you want to get it under your sect, you might offend the true dragon family, and it's just a small dragon, and it's not worth it. "

The middle-aged man lowered his eyebrows and said lightly.


As he spoke, the middle-aged man fell a son, turned an infinite sword sea, shattered the world, and shattered many white sons.

In an instant.

The void collapses, and the worlds sink.

In this chess game, the evolving party was so big that it collapsed instantly.

Baizi, lose!

"Congratulations, brother, Ji Yuan is one step closer to killing Dao, brother is willing to go down."

The Taoist in Tsing Yi lightly touched, calming the riot of the collapse of the world, and exclaimed in his mouth.

"It's just a fluke, you shouldn't have such a high praise from brother."

The middle-aged man is as cold as ever, not happy.

Taoist Tsing Yi smiled and sighed softly:

"Speaking of the true dragon clan, this clan has long lost its glory.

After the dragon and phoenix contended for hegemony, the true phoenix clan had long lost the arrogance that had originally dominated the heavens, and it was not the same. "

Taoist Tsing Yi's conversation changed again: "However, the old dragon is not dead, and the true dragon family should not be underestimated."

"The old dragon has existed since the creation of the heavens and the world, and its ancient degree is beyond ours.

The strength is unfathomable, even this seat is not as good as him. "

"The heavens and the realms, only Ancestral Phoenix, Demon Venerable, etc., can compare with them."

The strength of the old dragon is most clear to them at the same level, but few can match it.

Even the Tsing Yi Taoist, who occupies the source of one, also thinks that it is inferior.

Not inferior to talent, but inferior to the ancient degree, and the accumulation of nature itself is also inferior to the old dragon.

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