Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2690: Five Emperors Come Out


The emperor body is immortal, the emperor soul is immortal!

After the quasi-emperor powerhouse stepped into the emperor realm, condensing the emperor's body, it can be immortal, even if the body is fallen.

At the same time, the soul has entered the emperor soul level, possessing the characteristics of immortality.

What is immortality?

The emperor soul will not die if the body is not dead!

After the emperor casts the emperor soul, the emperor soul can be divided into countless ones and scattered among the heavens and the world.

If the emperor soul of this emperor cannot be wiped out, this emperor will not be considered truly fallen.

As long as there is a trace of the emperor soul remaining, it can be reborn in the future!

In the lower three realms of the emperor, no one can contain such a method. Only then will there be rumors that the emperor will not fall.

Only when the emperor enters the fourth realm, the original world can be strengthened, the world can be manifested, and the reality can be interfered, in order to obliterate the emperor's soul.

In the eyes of'Emperor Zhenhuang', Han Xin was at most the peak of the second stage of the emperor, and should not have the strength to kill the emperor.

"Military blessing?"

'Emperor Zhenhuang' turned his eyes and landed on the army behind Han Xin.

After he traveled through the central realm, he was so knowledgeable that he could naturally see the power Han Xin relied on.

It's nothing more than this army behind him!

With the blessing of this great army, it is not impossible to suppress several emperors such as the Jiu Cang Taoist with the power of the army.

The army besieged and killed, but also the emperor!

The amount reaches an astonishing level, and qualitative changes can also occur.

Many emperors may not care about a single ant. What about ten thousand?

Ten million?

Hundreds of millions?

Countless ants gathered together, and even the giants of the heavens would be discolored.

Moreover, these elite army generals, with the blessing of qi and blood, can induce a qualitative change in Han Xin's power, comparable to the fourth stage of the emperor.

"This is the trump card of Buluo Dynasty?"

The light of'Emperor Zhenhuang' condensed, and there was fear in his eyes.

The strength that Han Xin showed, even he couldn't help but be jealous.

With the strength of Han Xinzhen to kill Jiu Cang Taoist and other emperors, it is enough to fight against him, and even fight against him.

He has just stepped into the fourth realm of the emperor, not as good as the old four realm supreme.

With the help of the army, Han Xin is enough to contend with him!


With black hair like a waterfall, Han Xin rode a horse and led a large army behind Qin Yi, alongside Zhu Bajie and others.


The vast momentum rushed out in an instant, sweeping the sun and the moon.

The tyrannical aura shook the void, shaking thousands of miles of chaos, this chaos seemed to be torn apart.

For a time, the heavens moved!

Han Xin, Zhu Bajie, Cangjie, Luohou Jidu, and Black Bear Spirit, five of the most powerful emperors, appeared here.

In addition, Qin Yi who stepped into the emperor realm is the six great emperors!

Every emperor here, the weakest is comparable to the supreme of the third stage of the emperor, and even stronger.

Originally, Emperor Zhenhuang had an absolute advantage.

However, when Han Xin and others arrived, the Emperor Buluo Dynasty did not even wipe out the power gap with the Emperor Zhenhuang, but it was not without the power of a battle.

After all, most of the emperors on the side of the Emperor Zhenhuang were only in the first or second stage, and there were very few in the third stage.

Tongtian Baozun and other supreme, look can not help but extremely ugly.

Since the start of the war, the battle has exceeded their expectations time and time again.

I thought that the "Emperor Zhenhuang" was in nirvana and entered the fourth realm of the emperor, and everything would come to an end.

As a result, the emperor did not fall first to induce thunder robbery, and stepped into the emperor realm in front of them.

Many emperors did not stop them!

Then, several great emperors descended, and among them there was a military expert comparable to the "Emperor Zhenhuang".

Many emperors could not help but retreat.

This battle, if it continues, will only harm them, not good.

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