Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2711: Tongtian Baozun shot


Taoist Canggu was in pain, clutching his right arm and retreating.

For a body refiner, if even his right arm is cut off by everyone, it is an extremely serious injury.

In other words, for ordinary emperors, they are all extremely serious injuries.

The immortal emperor body is made by the emperor's thousands of tempers!

Among them, it took countless efforts of the emperor, as well as countless cultivation resources, to make it.

The right arm is cut, and although the arm can be reborn, how can the newly reborn flesh compare with the original flesh?

To reach the original level, the emperor needs to expend countless training resources to restore the peak.

For Taoist Canggu, his right arm was cut off, which was his tens of millions of years of penance!


The chaotic sacred tree in the void quickly dropped the chaotic aura to help Daoist Cang stabilize his injury.

With the blessing of the chaotic sacred tree, Taoist Canggu quickly stabilized his injury.

However, the horror in his eyes cannot be concealed!

If it weren't for him to avoid this edge at the critical moment, I am afraid that this edge would be enough to cut off his emperor's body!

"Tongtian Daoist, Taoist Daoist of the Beginning, and Eternal Daoist, don't you still take action?

Taoist Canggu hissed and his voice blasted thousands of miles.

On the side of Emperor Zhenhuang, there are still more than a dozen emperors who have not yet taken action.

If you don't do anything again, don't blame him for turning around and leaving!

If this stalemate continues, he has no doubt that he and Qingshu will be suppressed by Zhu Bajie alone!

After fighting for so long, he did not dare to look down upon Zhu Bajie's strength.

Regardless of Zhu Bajie's bloodline, his strength is real, and it cannot be resisted!

"Well, it's the beginning and eternity, and it's time for us to take action and bring this battle to an end!"

The Tongtian Baozun on the side smiled indifferently when he heard the words.

At this moment, the corners of Tongtian Baozun's mouth were smiling, and his face was calm, as if Zhizhu was holding it and everything was under control.

In his eyes, in this battle, they still have the advantage.

He is still there.

The Great Emperor is still alive.

The eternal emperor is still alive.

And the supremacy of the first and second realms of several emperors still exists.

This force is fully qualified to determine the victory of the battle!

On the other hand, if you don't fall to the side of the dynasty, there will only be the Lord that does not fall, and the bear clan demon emperor.

If Zhu Bajie hadn't been dragged by Canggu Taoist, there might be variables in this battle.

However, that Zhu Bajie provokes the ancient Taoist for some reason, and fights with it, and is even dragged by the ancient Taoist.

With this calculation, they still hold the winning chip!

As long as the emperors of them can solve the infallible emperor and the supreme bear clan before the Canggu Taoist loses, everything is also over.


As he spoke, Tongtian Baozun stepped out, and Tao Baohui rose from his body.

In every Baohui, there is a weapon floating!

Knife, sword, tower, clock...

At a glance, there are seven weapons hanging high.

Every weapon exudes an aura of horror, suppressing the universe and galaxy, and shocking the world!

Emperor weapon!

Each of these seven weapons is a real imperial weapon!

In the Eastern Frontier, every imperial artifact is precious, and some emperors don't even have one imperial artifact.

However, Tongtian Baozun has seven imperial artifacts in his hands!

The Tongtian Baozun uses the business card to communicate with all worlds, gathering infinite wealth, and also gathered seven imperial artifacts.

This is why it is respected as Baozun!

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