Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2719: The minds of the strong casual cultivators


A figure shrouded in infinite glory, suspended quietly.

The horrible power fluctuations escaped from the whole body of a few people, surging vertically and horizontally in the chaos, shaking the sun and the moon!

Quasi emperor.

Each of these existences was a quasi-emperor who approached the imperial realm.

If you can get the chance, you may not be able to knock on the emperor's pass, provoke Lei Jie, and then step into the strongest realm!

Of course, it is not a simple matter to survive Chengdi Thunder Tribulation.

If you are not careful, you may fall under the thunder.

However, even so, it does not hinder the status of these quasi-imperial powerhouses in the Eastern Frontier.

If it is a force that has entered the eastern frontier, it can immediately occupy a high position.

Regardless of which power, the quasi-emperor is an extremely important person, and in terms of status, it is only under the emperor!

"I didn't expect the Buluo Dynasty to hide so deeply that even the two emperors, Taichu and Eternal, were involved with it."

A man dressed in a gray robe and holding a pure white whisk, sighed with emotion:

"After today, the Eastern Frontier will be dominated by Buluo Dynasty."

Even if the'Emperor Zhenhuang' has not fallen, the Emperor Zhenhuang Dynasty cannot compete with the Emperor Fuluo.

Eight Emperors in One Dynasty!

In the Eastern Frontier, it is an unprecedented behemoth.

Even though'Emperor Zhenhuang' entered the fourth stage of the emperor, he couldn't compare with the imperial dynasty at this time. After all, Han Xin could contend with it alone.

Moreover, Han Xin practiced the military path, and the stronger the army under his command, the stronger his combat power would be.

If the imperial dynasty continues to grow stronger, Han Xin will become stronger!

Even, it is not impossible to suppress the'Emperor Zhenhuang'!

"However, the Buluo Dynasty is not without flaws. After all, the rise time is too short and the top combat power is strong enough.

However, from the ancient sage to the quasi-emperor, the powerhouses at this level are extremely scarce, far inferior to forces such as the True Phoenix Emperor. "

The man in the robes turned his head and said lightly.

All the quasi emperors around nodded.

This is an accepted fact.

It has been more than ten years since the rise of the Buluo Dynasty. How can we cultivate enough ancient sage quasi-emperors?

Even if it absorbed all the background information of Emperor Huntian.

There are countless strong people who have submitted to the Buluo Dynasty, but in fact, compared with the future status of the Buluo Dynasty, where is this strong enough?

"Brother Wang, do you mean...?"

The other quasi-emperor changed his expression and looked at the man in the Taoist robe.

"Hahaha, if there is no shortage of the quasi-emperor, can't I wait for the quasi-emperor to be strong?

With the prestige of the Emperor Buluo Dynasty defeating the Emperor Zhenhuang and reaching the top of the Eastern Frontier, its radiation range is bound to expand hundreds of times! "

"Furthermore, there are eight emperors in the Buluo Dynasty, and the Buluo Emperor is the co-lord, and rules the entire Buluo Dynasty.

However, the remaining emperors are still respected.

The most important thing is that even if these emperors knowingly or unconsciously, they will eventually form factions in the Buluo Dynasty. "

"Join at this time, it may not be reused by the emperor."

The man in the robes smiled indifferently, and did not deny the statement of this quasi emperor.

Hearing this, many quasi-emperors brightened up, quite moved.

The words of the man in the robes are not without reason.

The emperor is the emperor in the end, even if he lives under one person, it will not change his lofty status.

Some weak people will gather under their commander intentionally or unconsciously, waiting for the dispatch of this emperor.

Such as the Great Qin cavalry, and the army of immortals!

As long as these powerhouses do not betray the imperial dynasty, the emperor will not say anything.

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