Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2762: One person crushes the heavens, the only person in the world


Thousands of miles of chaos, dim, dark and deep.


The long wind howled, violent chaotic storms were constantly rolling, sweeping across the country.

The violent power dissipated to the surroundings, shaking the heavens and the universe, and even the Nether World was shaken.

And at the moment.

What is even more shocking is the mind of the strong from all sides.

In the five great realms, in countless worlds, every powerful person has an incredible expression on his face.

When Yang Jian shot, everyone thought that even if the black robe man was inferior to Yang Jian, he wouldn't necessarily lose.

"Netherworld, only half a step away from the ninth realm of the emperor, the majestic mana is not necessarily weaker than the old one.

Facing a ninth realm overlord, it might not be defeated. "

An ancient existence is even more so.

This black-robed man is not weak in terms of cultivation in the heavens and the realms, second only to some of the oldest existences in the various realms.

Practicing the Law of the Nether, horizontally and horizontally in the central realm for countless years, they are some ancient emperors of the Ninth Realm, who dare not say anything and can stabilize this black robe man.

Even the several heavenly overlords of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty once shot against the black-robed man, but ultimately failed to suppress them.

"Besides, the person in the Eastern Frontier is not necessarily the real overlord of the heavens.

With Netherworld's cultivation base, it might be possible to suppress this person. "

Another ancient existence also said quietly.

From the perspective of many powerful people, it is natural to see that Yang Jian's own cultivation is not strong, only the seventh stage of the emperor.

Although powerful, comparable to the ninth realm, it cut the border between the two realms with one sword.

However, Yang Jian's revealed cultivation base is indeed only the seventh realm.

Many powerhouses did not believe it, after all, if Yang Jian was good at grabbing his breath, he could deceive everyone.

Therefore, everyone deliberately tested Yang Jian's strength, and this glorious task to the end fell on the black-robed man.

There is no shortage of strong people from all sides who want the black-robed man to test Yang Jian's false and real ideas, and want to explore Yang Jian's strength.

If Yang Jian was just a fake, everyone wouldn't mind killing this fanatic who dared to speak wild words!

This kind of thinking, many strong people watching this battle have.

But no one thought of it.

Yang Jian defeated the black robe man with only one shot!

With a single slash, defeating an existence at the pinnacle of the eighth stage across hundreds of millions of miles, he was nearly seriously injured.

With such strength, who would dare to say that he is not the overlord of the ninth realm?

Some of the emperors of the Ninth Stage looked at Yang Jian's eyes, and there was a deep jealousy in their eyes.

They think they can't beat the black-robed man with one move, that is to say, Yang Jian's strength is far better than them!


Yang Jian lifted the three-pointed two-edged sword diagonally, his eyes glistened, and he shouted again.

He is the **** of war in the heavens, self-controlling the three realms of heaven and earth.


Stepping into this world, you can also not fall, conquer the heavens and the world, and fight for the emperor for a hundred years!

If anyone dared to disagree, he would not be stingy!

that moment.

Yang Jian's eyes hung high, and his heavenly eyes bloomed with infinite divine glory, like a supreme **** king who overwhelmed the heavens.


Among the heavens and all realms, none of the many powerful people spoke to refute.

Countless strong people who pay attention to this battle feel inexplicable.

Slashing the emperor with one sword, looking at the heavens and the world, how domineering this is!

However, Yang Jian has the domineering confidence!

In the situation where the Xuantian Tianzun and the overlords of all the heavens did not take action, Yang Jian was the strongest existence.

One person crushes the heavens, the only person in the world!

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